

奧巴馬對美國的天主教徒 - 現在我是你們的上帝了...

奧巴馬對美國的天主教徒 - 現在我是你們的上帝了...
Barack Obama to America’s Catholics – I Am Your God Now…
by Ulsterman
February 6, 2012
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The nation’s considerable Catholic population is stunned at the dramatic over-reach exhibited by the Obama administration in its declaration that Catholics are to ignore religious conviction and First Amendment rights in favor of governmental authority.
For a president who so often cites his concern over the health and well being of Americans to attack an institution so vital to the care of the nation’s indigent is both troubling and from a political viewpoint – downright confusing. Either the administration is once again displaying a near all consuming inability to govern with measured competence, or it has immersed itself entirely in the waters of its own arrogant self-importance. How else do you explain their decision to mandate to American Catholics to suspend religious belief regarding contraception and sterilization and simply “follow orders”.
對於一個總統,他經常援引他對健康以及美國人福祉的關注,來攻擊一個照顧國家的貧困人如此重要的機構,是令人不安和從政治的角度看 - 徹頭徹尾的混亂兩方面。要么政府是再一次用量度能力來展示治理上的差不多完全的消費乏力,要么它已經完全沉浸自己在自己的傲慢自我重要性的水域中。否則你能怎樣解釋他們的決定,下令美國天主教徒暫停有關避孕和絕育的宗教信仰,及僅只要“奉命行事”。
Even MSNBC’s notoriously left-leaning political pundit Mika Brzezinski admitted President Obama had “overstepped” his authority. Catholic leaders throughout America are now slamming the administration – and calling upon the millions of Catholics in the country to do the same. Peggy Noonan wrote in a weekend Wall Street Journal column that Obama has now initiated a battle he has no way of winning – that the administration’s seeming attack on Catholic charities was far worse then GOP rival Mitt Romney’s somewhat out-of-context statement that he was not so concerned about America’s “very poor” but rather its middle class.
即使MSNBC的臭名昭著左傾政治評論家米卡布熱津斯基坦言,奧巴馬總統已經“越過”他的權威。現在整個美國的天主教領袖都在抨擊當局 - 並呼籲該國數百萬的天主教徒一同抨擊。佩姬努南在週末華爾街雜誌專欄寫道,奧巴馬現在已經著手一場他沒有辦法打贏的戰爭 - 即政府在天主教慈善機構上的似乎攻擊,是遠遠差於共和黨對手米特·羅姆尼的有點離題聲明,即他沒那麼關注美國的“非常貧困”,而只是關注中產階級。
Noonan is right of course, but the liberal-dominated weekend news cycle saw the Obama vs Catholics subject underplayed and the Romney commentary very much overplayed. While that may work momentarily to distract from the administration’s attack on a very powerful and influential religious segment of America, that distraction is already proving short lived. Catholics are unhappy, and at this very moment, mobilizing against the administration - particularly within the Hispanic-American community, a population that takes its devotion to the church very seriously. For Hispanics, the Catholic Church is an integral component of their daily lives, and as President Obama attacks the church, so too does he attack Hispanics.

As American Bishop Robert Morlino put it, the Obama administration’s edict is secondary to that of God. Bishop Morlino states the matter is one of conscience and Catholics can’t violate their consciences because “our salvation is at stake.” And while it is no secret that American Catholics have long engaged in the use of contraception despite the requirements of the Church, that choice has been theirs to make, and the source of that contraception has been acquired outside of the church itself. To have the American government now attempting to forcibly reform the Catholic Church from Washington D.C. will not set well with even the more casual Catholic practitioner.

Critics of Barack Obama have often pointed to his too often easy willingness to portray himself as not a mere politician – but rather a figure of almost divine nature. Now the president has revealed to America’s Catholics that such portrayals are perhaps more than just show. Barack Obama is indicating his administration’s will supersedes even the will of the Almighty.

Catholics and others of faith in America would do well to realize that according to President Obama – he is their God now…
天主教徒和其他美國信眾會根據奧巴馬總統做好來實現那 - 現在他是他們的上帝了...
