

小心10月10日: 全球重置的兩個剩下可能日期的其中一個

小心10月10日: 全球重置的兩個剩下可能日期的其中一個
Beware the 10th of October: One of Two Possible Remaining Dates for the Global Reset


4 則留言:

匿名 說...

Freemason want to enhance the slavery currency system by using BitCoin more than back to gold standard

they strangle the gold/silver liquidity by huge confiscate move by government... if u know the history of currency war...gold's supply cant hook with the big modern trade because of the scarcity

So i can predict the controlled opposition "Golden Trump" will set a "Hope Trap" to collect all plebeian's gold/silver to the government...

Strip the last hope from ppl by a fake hope...after most of the gold collected...Freemason will give USA a big Civil War by a Fake Trump Assassination

that mean everything in chaos...and ur gold wont get back...So what is the next move?Bitcoin and Pope will Appear in the "Right Time"

匿名 說...

Sry about my english...but the focal point i wanna say is :
They will repeat the "gold confiscate and hide move"
to create gold standard scarcity...As the greatest move to beat down gold standard
because of too few gold cant support the big trading market...

and everyone know "digital" currency control will be an "enhanced" version of slavary...
So the game will be Petrodollar>Short time Gold Standard Fake Hope>Bitcoin

Autumnson 說...

You won't be right and You know why? They will only proceed things beyond expectation. It is their tradition to withdraw implementation once the plot is known.

匿名 說...

their plans are not unanticipated...sometime u just cant stop it especially when ure just a "conspiracy theorist"...but they controlling the media(mainstream/alternative)...99% sheep still willing to fall in traps
