

林伍德: 國家的生存不能待到2022年或2024年才解決了不誠實的選舉問題

 林伍德: 國家的生存不能待到2022年或2024年才解決了不誠實的選舉問題

I have consistently urged that it is essential to the country that we must fix the debacle of the illegal November 2020 election.

America can never be deprived of its duly elected leader. President Trump was re-elected in a historic landslide win. He is the duly elected President of We The People.
美國永不會被剝奪其當選領導人的權利,  特朗普總統以歷史性的壓倒性勝利再次當選,  他是我們人民的當選總統。

Joey Bribes Biden is a fake. He is pretending to be President. Even Joey knows he lost. So do those around him.
行賄拜登是假貨,  他假裝當總統。 即使拜登都知道自己輸了,  和他周圍的人也一樣知道。

It does not take a genius to know that the country cannot survive until 2022 or 2024 to fix the dishonest election. The consequences in waiting would be devastating to We The People and our freedom. I know it and you know it. We are not geniuses.
毋須要是天才去知道國家的生存不能待到2022年或2024年才解決了不誠實的選舉問題, 等待的後果將會對我們人民和我們的自由帶來蹂躪性的後果。 我知道和你們都知道, 而我們都不是天才。

President Trump is a genius.

The best is yet to come. Stay strong and keep praying. Wait on the Lord.
最好的仍未來到, 保持堅強, 繼續祈禱, 等待上主。

Lin ❤️🙏🇺🇸


