

啟 示 錄 8章十一節:這 星 名 叫 茵 蔯...


這 星 名 叫 茵 蔯
The Name of the Star is Wormwood

Topic started on 20-6-2010 @ 05:50 PM by In nothing we trust

Revelation 8:11
啟 示 錄 8:11
the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
這 星 名 叫 茵 蔯 . 眾 水 的 三 分 之 一 變 為 茵 蔯 . 因 水 變 苦 、 就 死 了 許 多 人 。

Anyone else think the BP logo looks like a star?
Now compare the BP logo to the budding flower of the wormwood plant.

Source: http://de.academic.ru/pictures/dewiki/65/Artemisia_absinthium_001.jpg

Artemisia absinthium (absinthium, absinthe wormwood, wormwood, common wormwood,
or grand wormwood) is a species of wormwood, native to temperate regions of
Eurasia and northern Africa.

The leaves are spirally arranged,
greenish-grey above and white below, covered with silky silvery-white trichomes,
and bearing minute oil-producing glands;

Its flowers are pale yellow,
tubular, and clustered in spherical bent-down heads (capitula), which are in
turn clustered in leafy and branched panicles.

The wormwood plant is known for it's ability to produce oil.

Pure wormwood oil is very poisonous, but with proper dosage poses little or
no danger.

編輯 - 貼出評論:
Edited - post comments:

Wormwood only shows up once in the NIV and yet it shows up multiple times in the King James.
苦艾只出現一次在NIV,而它在King James版本出現多次。
Interesting to note that the word Wormwood only shows up in the new testement once, which could be the reason that it only shows up in the NIV once.
Also interesting to note that Revelation is the only reference that refers to the Star named Wormwood.
另外有趣的是,啟示錄是唯一的參考是指向天星命名為茵 蔯。


綠色彗星哈特利2號在地球外1770萬公裡 - 茵蔯初版今晚掠過


