


Recent Study Shows ‘More Than Half’ Of Measles Outbreak Cases Had Been Vaccinated: I think I’ll Give the Shot a Miss!
By Neil Foster –
The Sovereign Independent –
Stay Connected
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

According to the Irish independent this week, the Health Service Executive in Ireland is warning of a measles outbreak whereby the blame is laid on visits to Europe by children.

They claim that 1 in 5 cases, that they ‘had visited Europe or been in contact with someone who had travelled here from the continent in the weeks before they fell ill.
They go on to state that apparently 42 cases were reported in Ireland this year. Of these, 8 were too young for ‘vaccination’ with ‘almost half’ of the remainder of cases, ‘almost’ half of 34, in children who were ‘unvaccinated’ with the MMR ‘vaccine’.
Doesn’t something in these figures not strike you as a little unusual?
It strikes me that if less people are being infected who are unvaccinated, then it stands to reason that vaccinations don’t work because obviously ‘more than half’ of the cases, by their own admission, were infected despite being ‘vaccinated’. It makes you wonder who’s infecting who, doesn’t it?
This is simply a propaganda piece to push toxic and highly dangerous ‘vaccines’ which have NEVER been proven to work onto unsuspecting parents using fear and deception.

This article is just another scare story, a very poorly written scare story for anyone with a brain cell or two to do the simple sums, to try to persuade people to ‘vaccinate’.

Could this possibly have something to do with the arrival of Dr. Andrew Wakefield in Ireland to talk at The Sovereign Independent’s upcoming ‘Masterplan’ events?

It seems rather coincidental at a time when the public are becoming increasingly suspicious of ‘vaccines’ thanks to recent exposure by many concerned citizens around the world.

When will parents finally grasp the nettle and do the research for themselves?

I highly recommend a small book called: ‘Vaccines: Are they really safe & effective?’ by Neil Z. Miller

It and other similar titles will cost less than £5 online which will allow you to make an informed, intelligent choice as to what’s best for your children instead of journalists who do no research and simply rely on hand-outs from Big Pharma or the likes of the HSE who have a vested interest with the pharmaceutical corporations, if not a corrupt one, to ensure that your child is injected with hazardous substances like mercury.

Don’t you think that’s a price worth paying for the health of your child?

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