

Max Keiser: 法國的菲亞特金錢通脹

Fiat money inflation in France - Part 1: John Law
法國的菲亞特金錢通脹 - 第1部分:約翰法
Translation by Autumnson Blog

Max Keiser, of maxkeiser.com, James Turk, Director of The GoldMoney Foundation and Pierre Jovanovic, jovanovic.com, tell the story of the introduction of Fiat Money to France.
maxkeiser.com 的Max Keiser、GoldMoney基金會的董事詹姆斯土耳克和jovanovic.com 的皮埃爾約萬諾維奇,講故事介紹法國的法定貨幣。
They discuss John Law and how his money printing fix was seen by the French Regent as a way out of the kingdom's debt troubles -- accumulated by past wars and royal extravegence -- a way to avoid the harsh spending cuts that were unavoidable given the difference between income and spending.
他們討論約翰法和他的印鈔修理,如何被法國攝政王視為一種走出王國的債務問題的方法 - 債務積累於過去的戰爭和王室奢華 - 一種方式避免不可能避免的惡劣開支削減,倘若有此收入與支出的差異。
Keiser, Turk and Jovanovic talk about the Mississippi Bubble and how speculation in stocks became rampant as banknotes were printed to drive up the value of paper assets, how the French public was caught up in the speculative mania with dreams of untold riches from Louisiana.

Fiat money inflation in France - Part 2: Assignats
法國的菲亞特金錢通脹 - 第2部分:Assignats

Max Keiser:希臘大暴亂為經濟學家警告的全球“末日情景”

Max Keiser 對'蘋果現金比美國政府更多'
