

2012年的自我實現預言 :集體自殺

2012年的自我實現預言 :集體自殺
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of 2012: Mass Suicide

Topic started on 25-5-2010 @ 05:11 PM by SubPop79

If you don't know about the theories behind 2012, then you are probably the safest, as you have been living in a cave your whole life. The date is no stranger to everyone here on this site, be you believer or non-believer.
如果你不知道2012年背後的理論 ,那麼你很可能是最安全的,因為你的整個生命一直生活在山洞裡。日期對這裡這個網站的每一個人並不是陌生人,無論你是信徒還是非信徒。
I do not want this thread to go south with people arguing over whether it will or will not be the end. I simply want to start a discussion about what could happen across the globe if NOTHING of prophetic or mystical proportions happens on the date of December 21, 2012.
Now, because of the colossal popularity of 2012, and the dramatic increase of folks believing in it, I have become apprehensive of the date. If the world does end, then the believers are right and thus dead and the discussion is over. But if the date turns out to be a dud, then we could have a huge problem on our hands.
Let's all turn our minds eye to the past and relive the Hale-Bopp comet experience. I was but a child when this happened, but being a HUGE fan of dinosaurs, I was scared sh**less. I could see the thing from my window, and that view probably changed my view of the cosmos, and thus life as I knew it, in an incredible manner. I imagine it was the same for many people, specifically the Heaven's Gate Cult, though in a much more radical, crazy sort of way.
讓我們全都把我們心靈的眼睛回到過去,和重溫Hale - Bopp彗星的經驗。我只不過是一個孩子當這事發生時,但卻是一個巨大恐龍的粉絲,我是被嚇怕。我能從我的窗口看見東西,和那景觀可能改變了我對宇宙的看法,因此生命正如我所知道,以一個令人難以置信的方式。我想這對許多人是一樣,特別是天堂之門的教派,雖然以一個更為激進、瘋狂的某種方式。


From Wiki: "The Heaven's Gate mass suicide occurred in a hilltop mansion near San Diego, California, in 1997. They were mistakenly reported to believe an alien spaceship was following in the tail of the Comet Hale-Bopp and that killing themselves was necessary to reach it. They were cited on their website as wishing to reach the next plane of existence. The victims were self-drugged and then suffocated by other members in a series of suicides over a period of three days. Thirty-nine died, from a wide range of backgrounds"
來自維基:“天堂之門集體自殺發生於1997年在加州近聖地亞哥的一間山頂豪宅。他們被錯誤地報導相信,一艘外星人太空船正在跟隨的Hale - Bopp彗星的尾巴,要到達它自殺是必要的。他們在網站上列舉,希望到達未來階段的存在。在一系列的自殺於超過3天的時期,受害者被自我麻醉及然後由其他成員窒息,來自廣泛範圍背景的39人死去,“
Their beliefs about the comet and it's UFO counterpart, coupled with their ideologies about this "higher plane of existence" seem to be very similar to what is being said about 2012, though this is just one aspect of 2012.
他們的信仰有關彗星和它的飛碟對口,再加上他們的思想對這個“更高層次的存在”,似乎非常相似關於 2012所說的,雖然這只是2012的一面。
Now 2012 is a theory that has spread like wild fire through out the world. I am sure there are TONS of people preparing for disaster, by gathering food and supplies, relocating, etc. It is probably striking fear into the hearts and minds of thousands.
Now if NOTHING actually happens on the date, what then, aside from the embarrassment of thousands? What of the stock market? The food market? The housing industry?
I personally believe that if nothing happens, then we will be leigantic parties where people die of over-dose (this I only want to believe). Granted most do not prescribe to the idea of the world ending on that date, there is a large group that does.
我個人認為如果沒有事情發生,那麼我們將會是 leigantic黨派,那裡人們死於過度劑量(這我只想相信)。就算大多數人世界在該日結束的想法沒被規定,仍有一大組人會。
Which brings me to the point MAIN point of this thread. Could there possibly be a mass suicide on this this date, or the days before hand? If 39 individuals in a cult killed themselves because of believing in a UFO, what is to stop the hysterics from killing themselves in fear of the world ending, which is a much bigger ordeal than a UFO.

更新時間 2010年 6月 2日, 格林尼治標準時間15:13



2012年或將遇世紀一遇太陽風暴 中國專家解讀
