Satanist Insider Blasts Patriot "Arrogance"
June 17, 2010
by Aloysius Fozdyke
"Given the control you describe, why are you surprised that a tiny minority of citizen who are awake don't "do" anything? "

Sheeple have the wrong idea about Satanism. Like Xtians, Satanists seek money, power, influence and all the things that make life worth living. We also seek spiritual advancement. Admittedly, ours is a very material spirituality, but not completely so.
馴民對撒旦崇拜有錯誤的觀念,像 Xtians,撒旦教徒追求金錢、權力、影響和所有的東西,使生命活得有價值。我們亦追求靈性上的進步,無可否認,我們的是一個非常物質的靈性,但不完全是那樣。
Politically, we realized long ago that sheeple don't want freedom - even when it's thrust upon them! Originally Satanism fought for freedom until it was realized that sheeple live most happily in pens. We help them build their pens. We control them through economics, banking, the media, food supplies, pharmaceuticals, slogans, entertainment, music and dreams that only money can buy. But our most successful means of control are diversions and distractions.
政治上,我們好久前就認知到馴民不想要自由 - 甚至當它是在他們上的驅推力!原本地撒旦崇拜爭取自由,直到它被認知到,馴民在欄柵中生活最快樂。我們幫助他們建立自己的欄柵,我們控制他們,透過經濟、銀行、媒體、糧食供應、藥品、標語、娛樂、音樂和夢想,都是金錢能買到的。但我們最成功的控制手段,是娛樂消遣和分散注意的事物。
Sheeple want security above anything else. We put them in cattle-trucks and take them to market. Like chess pieces on an international board, we move them around. It's not like they're an endangered species; hence the need to cull. Take that date without a year. The Pentagon is the most secure building on Earth, yet there were no radar records, closed circuit camera films released from all different angles tracking that jet from the horizon. Did any of the sheeple question this or did they just buy the story - hook, line and stinker?
馴民想要安全高於其它一切事物,我們把他們放在牛車上並把他們推向市場;像在國際棋板上的棋子,我們將它們移來移去。它不象他們是瀕危物種,因此需要撲殺,以該日期不足一年。五角大樓是地球上最安全的建築物,然那那裡沒有雷達記錄,公佈的閉路攝錄影片來自不同角度跟踪那從地平線來的噴射機。任何的馴民有否質疑這或他們是否剛有接受那故事 - 鉤、線、可鄙的人?
In an earlier email you asked,
"If you have something to say, why not just say it?"

OK. I mentioned that whilst in Tokyo I met Kazuhiko Saitou (left) and that despite his years he's a magician of promise. What was the reaction? He was called "a Japanese transexual (sic)" and "a...faggot" and people doubted what I said. What they do not know and don't care to know is that Kazuhiko-san only dressed as a woman when he was a member of Antic Café. That's what brought him to our notice. That was more than three years ago. His family has a rich Daoist history and Daoism has a largely hidden, but nonetheless rich and sinister Magickal component. He's been studying and more recently we've been tutoring.
I advised that the cover story to the world's banks closing down will be a computer virus. This was dismissed, despite the psychological effect such a closure will definitely have. Psychology is everything! The highest echelons of the judiciary have already been briefed.
So if I seem a little reticent it's only because the truth is so shocking it won't be believed. If I provided specific dates and I'm a little wrong it's because sometimes the inexplicable occurs, occasionally reactions lag or like Graham Nicholson and Martin Daunton, they don't follow instructions to the letter. That's why I avoid dates.
所以如果我似乎有點沉默寡言,那只是因為真相是如此令人震驚而它將難以入信。如果我提供具體日期而我有點錯,它是因為有時那令人費解的發生了,間歇地反應滯後或像格雷厄姆尼科爾森和馬丁 Daunton,他們不遵守信的指示,那就是為什麼我避免提供日期。
A quick Internet search of the material I provided shows a dismissive attitude of arrogance based upon ignorance. And seriously, what have the sheeple done, except pray to their two thousands years dead Jewish saviour? Spit in one hand and pray with the other. Tell me which one gets full first!
So I'm not surprised that a tiny minority of citizen who are awake don't "do" anything. I'm not surprised at all. The Narsagonan material emboldened the Alpha Lodge as, I assume, have my more recent emails to you.