加拿大人會被接種有MSG的活H1N1豬流感病毒疫苗 在2010/11流感季節
聚山梨醇酯80在豬流感疫苗 =人類不育
'Flu Shot May Prevent Heart Attack' (Will Also Grant You Immortality and Make You Rich)
Sunday, 26 September 2010 10:03
Flu shot may prevent heart attack: study
Mon Sep 20, 10:45 PM
By Sheryl Ubelacker, Health Reporter,
The Canadian Press

加拿大新聞攝影:在渥太華的護士勞拉吉爾執行一劑量的H1N1流感疫苗在這 ...
TORONTO - Getting a seasonal flu shot may not only prevent influenza — it may also stop some people from having a heart attack, new research suggests.
In a study of almost 79,000 patients at 379 family practices in England and Wales, researchers found annual flu vaccinations were associated with a significant drop in the rate of a first heart attack.
"Flu vaccination is obviously given to prevent flu and complications of flu where you may need hospitalization," said lead author Dr. Niroshan Siriwardena, a family practitioner and a researcher at the University of Lincoln.
"But now the finding suggests there's an additional benefit in terms of reduction of heart attack," he said Monday from Lincoln, England.
The 2001-2007 study found that influenza vaccination within the previous year was associated with a 19 per cent reduction in heart attacks, while a flu shot in the current season was linked to a 20 per cent drop.
To conduct the study, researchers looked at almost 79,000 patients aged 40 years or older, of whom 16,012 had had a heart attack, and almost 63,000 were controls who had not.
Researchers also found that getting that shot in the arm earlier rather than later in the fall appeared to boost protection for the heart.
Inoculation between September and mid-November was associated with a 21 per cent reduction in the heart attack rate, compared to a 12 per cent drop with later vaccination, concluded the study published in this week's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
"We were intrigued by that, we've only seen that shown in one other study," said Siriwardena, who speculated that getting vaccinated late in the year may mean missing the benefits of a flu shot if cases start to show up in early fall.
Besides the typical symptoms of influenza — among them a runny nose, phlegmy cough and achy muscles — the infection also creates inflammation in various tissues.
"Influenza causes an inflammatory reaction, and ... we think that what happens is the inflammatory process affects the lining of the blood vessel, and particularly the arthrosclerotic plaque, which then becomes more likely to rupture," he said.
When a bit of plaque dislodges, it can block an coronary artery, stopping blood flow and causing a heart attack.
Dr. Gerry Predy, chief medical health officer for Alberta, said the British study offers an important message for Canadians, particularly those aged 40 to 64.
"I think the study provides another strong reason for people to get their influenza vaccination this year, because it does show that in middle-aged adults that people who have been vaccinated do have a lower rate of getting myocardial infarctions, or heart attacks," he said from Edmonton.
"Not all cases were vaccinated and not all controls were vaccinated," Predy added. "But the bottom line is once (researchers) controlled for some of the risk factors for heart attacks, like high blood pressure and diabetes, if you did have your influenza vaccination you were less likely to get a heart attack, no matter which risk group you were in."
While the study found that flu shots were associated with a drop in the heart attack rate, they did not find the same for the pneumococcal vaccine, which is given to both adults and children to prevent pneumonias and other infections caused by the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.
And although the study points to a link between the flu shot reducing heart attacks, Siriwardena cautioned the findings do not prove cause and effect.
"Our study and others suggest that there might be benefit in people who haven't already got heart disease, but who are just at high risk of heart disease," he said.
"So there's still a debate about whether this is a true link or not," said Siriwardena, noting that the only way to confirm the results would be with randomized controlled trials, which would compare patients who get a flu shot against those given a dummy shot.
Even so, a 2007 study seems to back up the British findings.
That research, published in the European Heart Journal, found that deaths from heart attacks among the populace of St. Petersberg, Russia, jumped a staggering 30 per cent whenever there was a flu outbreak.
The city was chosen because few residents get annual flu immunization or take cholesterol-lowering drugs — so results should reflect the effects of an unchecked influenza epidemic. The researchers concluded that flu can trigger heart attacks, and getting a shot to prevent the disease can provide protection for the heart.
Any talk of flu is likely to raise the spectre of last season's H1N1. But Siriwardena said that because his study predated the pandemic, he could not comment on whether the findings would hold true for that strain.
But Predy said it's "biologically plausible that the same would apply in the pandemic situation, or the H1N1, that we saw last year."
Still, the finding that earlier vaccination appears more protective than a later seasonal flu shot when it comes to heart attacks would have to be tested for H1N1, he suggested.
"With H1N1, the big difference was we were in the middle of the outbreak by the time we got the vaccine, so the same might not have applied. That would be one of the only reasons it would not be entirely generalizable."
Researchers may get the chance to test the theory in 2010-2011: this season's flu shot contains H1N1, an H3N2 stain called A Victoria and B Brisbane.