


Pakistan under Attack: Now NATO gunships

Global Research, September 28, 2010
The Nation (Pakistan)

As so many had been predicting, if the Pakistani state does not delink itself from the misguided US ‘war on terror’, the US would eventually shift the centre of gravity of the war from Afghanistan to Pakistan and move militarily into Pakistani territory.
This is exactly what is now happening. Already the US has been carrying out drone attacks against Pakistanis, killing thousands of innocent citizens in their wake and perhaps in the process a few militants also.
Meanwhile, US covert operatives and Special Forces have spread themselves all over Pakistan and these revelations and warnings in the Pakistani media have been there for some time.
Now the US has begun the next phase of its agenda targeting Pakistan and that is the aerial gunship attacks from across the Afghan border into Pakistan.
On Friday NATO admitted that two gunship helicopters had entered Pakistan and killed 30 people – euphemistically termed “suspected militants” – just as Dr Aafia has been penalised for being a “suspected terrorist”!
北約週五承認兩架武裝直升機已進入巴基斯坦,及殺死了30人 - 委婉地稱為“嫌疑激進分子” - 正如剛好 Aafia醫生已因為是一個“可疑恐怖分子”而 受到處罰!
Since the government of Pakistan has to its eternal shame kept silent on this new military targeting of Pakistani citizens, NATO has undoubtedly become emboldened and on Monday two gunship helicopters again came into Pakistani territory and killed a few more citizens – so far the tally is five killed in Kurram Agency.
由於巴基斯坦政府要保持它的永久恥辱沉默,在這新一頁的軍事目標向着巴基斯坦公民,北約無疑已變成膽大包天,和在週一兩架武裝直升機再次進入巴基斯坦境內,及殺死多幾名公民 - 迄今為止 記帳是五名在古勒姆機構被殺。
Accompanying this new upping of the military ante inside Pakistan, the US drone attacks continue – with their frequency rising rapidly especially after Obama’s coming to power in the US.

Almost daily there are reports of 10 people or more killed by these unmanned drones – as if Pakistani lives were worth nothing. Perhaps the US is right about this as far as Pakistani rulers are concerned since President Zardari is said to have told the CIA chief that collateral damage from the drones was not an issue that bothered him!




