憤怒的美國外交官步出抗議:當內賈德告訴聯合國一些人相信美國是 9/11襲擊的幕後之後
Angry U.S. diplomats walk out as Ahmadinejad tells UN some believe that America was behind 9/11 attacks
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:10 AM on 24th September 2010
The U.S. delegation has walked out of the U.N. speech of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after he said some in the world have speculated that Americans were actually behind the September 11 terror attacks.
The Iranian president said some believe the attacks were staged in an attempt to assure Israel's survival.
He did not explain the logic behind the belief.
'The truth cannot be burned': Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holds up copies of the Koran and the Bible as he addresses the UN General Assembly in New York today
Mr Ahmadinejad made the claim as he attacked the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And he declared that threats by U.S. religious groups to burn the Koran were an act of 'evil'.
He held up a copy of the Muslim holy book, saying 'the truth cannot be burned'.
The leaders of more than 192 nations are gathered at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan - near where the 9/11 attacks took place - for the annual General Assembly.
President Barack Obama also addressed the summit today.
He challenged the UN to push for peace in the Middle East in order to create an independent Palestine and secure Israel within a year.
Exhorting world leaders to push past years of cynicism and pessimism, the U.S. President urged them to press forward with renewed determination.
In a speech to the U.N. General Assembly, he admitted the peace process had encountered 'few peaks and many valleys'.
But he warned that without an agreement, 'more blood will be shed' and 'this Holy Land will remain a symbol of our differences, instead of our common humanity'.
As Obama spoke, Israel's seat in the hall sat empty because it was a Jewish holiday.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was present, listening to the president through a translator's earphone.
Obama's call for a Palestinian state drew a burst of applause from throughout the hall but his one-year timeline is hugely ambitious.
He made no mention of the militant Hamas movement, which controls the Gaza Strip and refuses to accept Israel's right to exist.
The failure of past peace efforts has left both sides with rigid demands and public ambivalence about the value of a negotiated settlement.
Obama spoke with resolve of the need to address trouble spots around the world, but he tended first to the economic concerns that abound both at home and abroad.
'There is much to show for our efforts,' he said, recalling the economic turmoil of years past. 'We cannot - and will not - rest until these seeds of progress grow into a broader prosperity for all Americans and for people around the globe.'

平台:內賈德今天發表他的演說,超過 192個國家的元首在紐約出席年度會議
Obama also defended his administration's approach to engaging Iran in negotiations over its nuclear programme - an effort that has failed thus far.
In July, the administration imposed a new set of sanctions on Iran but he said: 'The door remains open to diplomacy should Iran choose to walk through it.
'But the Iranian government must demonstrate a clear and credible commitment and confirm to the world the peaceful intent of its nuclear programme.'
Iran recently has indicated interest in restarting talks with the West, and on Wednesday the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany offered Iran another chance to enter negotiations.

Obama also spoke to the promotion of human rights, open government and democracy - familiar themes from a president who has pushed for international cooperation against repression and tyranny.
'Make no mistake: The ultimate success of democracy in the world won't come because the United States dictates it. It will come because individual citizens demand a say in how they are governed,' he said. 'There is no soil where this cannot take root.'
Obama drew applause in mentioning U.N. efforts to protect the rights of women, and he urged all nations to act against oppression.
'Do no stand idly by, don't be silent when dissidents everywhere are imprisoned and protesters are beaten,' he said.
The president devoted his greatest attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, underscoring the urgency of overcoming the hurdles that he has met less than a month after relaunching direct negotiations between the parties.
Abbas is threatening to walk out of the talks if Israel does not extend a slowdown on construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank that is set to expire next week. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will not extend that partial freeze.


The looming expiration appears to have stalled the negotiations, which got under way in early September in Washington between Abbas and Netanyahu and then moved to a second round in Egypt and in Jerusalem last week.
That second round ended inconclusively with little visible progress and without the expected announcement of a third session.
Obama underscored the administration's position that the settlement moratorium should be extended, saying it 'has made a difference on the ground, and improved the atmosphere for talks.'
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the administration's special Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell have been meeting with officials from both sides and other interested parties this week in New York but seem to have made little headway.
Faced with the real possibility of the collapse of negotiations, Obama implored the international community to get behind the idea of peace and forget favoritism to one side or the other.
'Those of us who are friends of Israel must understand that true security for the Jewish state requires an independent Palestine,' he said.


'And those of us who are friends of the Palestinians must understand that the rights of the Palestinian people will be won only through peaceful means - including genuine reconciliation with a secure Israel.'
Obama urged the U.N. in its 60th year to look beyond past Middle East peace failures and get on with the task at hand.
'We can come back here, next year, as we have for the last 60, and make long speeches about it,' he said. 'We can read familiar lists of grievances. We can table the same resolutions. We can further empower the forces of rejectionism and hate.'
'Or we can say that this time will be different, that this time we will not let terror or turbulence or posturing or petty politics stand in the way.'

所有耳朵:代表擠滿通道留神聆聽奧巴馬 - 從一個烏拉圭代表(左下)用他的照相機捕捉時刻
更新時間 2010年 9月 24日, 格林尼治標準時間03:34
伊朗總統911陰謀論 歐美聯大退席抗議
(路透)2010年9月24日 星期五 11:55
(路透紐約 聯合國 總部23日電)伊朗 總統艾馬丹加今天告訴聯合國大會,大部分的人都相信美國 政府在幕後策劃911恐怖攻擊,美國代表立即離席抗議。
他說,另一種說法是「美國政府內某些單位精心策劃這起攻擊,以扭轉衰退的美國經濟,及對中東的掌握能力,同時可以拯救以色列 政權。」