The Illuminati, Learned Elders of Zion, Holy Roman Empire & the NWO plus The Simpsons Code. 禍 哉 、 那 些 以 虛 假 之 細 繩 牽 罪 孽 的 人 、 他 們 又 像 以 套 繩 拉 罪 惡 。 說 、 任 他 急 速 行 、 趕 快 成 就 他 的 作 為 、 使 我 們 看 看 . 任 以 色 列 聖 者 所 謀 劃 的 臨 近 成 就 、 使 我 們 知 道 。〔賽 5 18-19〕禍 哉 、 那 些 向 耶 和 華 深 藏 謀 略 的 、 又 在 暗 中 行 事 、 說 、 誰 看 見 我 們 呢 . 誰 知 道 我 們 呢 。〔賽 29 15〕 禍 哉 、 這 悖 逆 的 兒 女 ...要 靠 法 老 的 力 量 ...〔賽 30 1-2〕 禍 哉 、 那 些 下 埃 及 求 幫 助 的...那 作 惡 之 家...〔賽 31 1-2〕那 撒 但 一 會 的 、 自 稱 是 猶 太 人 、 其 實 不 是 猶 太 人 、 乃 是 說 謊 話 的 ...〔啟 3 9〕
BONO的壹基金遭開火 為祇給予1%多一點的資金於慈善事業
波諾的壹基金遭開火 為祇給予1%多一點的資金於慈善事業
Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:48 PM on 23rd September 2010
Bono's anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its finances after it was revealed that only a small percentage of money it raises reaches the needy.
The non-profit organisation set up by the U2 frontman received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent).
非牟利組織是由U2樂隊主音成立,在2008年收到差不多 960萬英鎊的捐款,但只發放十一萬八千英鎊(百分之1.2)給好的理由。
The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries.
紐約郵報公佈的數字還顯示,510萬英鎊 走去支付工資。
Friends in high places: U2 singer Bono meets French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris at the weekend ahead of the UN summit in New York
While the organisation's gameplan has never been direct handouts on the ground, many who admire the Irish rock legend may be surprised by the figures.
Bono was playing Brussels last night with U2 as the world's leaders - so many of whom he speaks to directly - were meeting at the UN assembly in New York to assess the progress, or lack of, in reaching the Millennium goals they set.
The day job: Bono performs with U2 last night at the King Baudouin stadium in Brussels
日工: 波諾與 U2昨晚在布魯塞爾的博杜安國王體育場表演
The Post revealed it had received a number of gifts from ONE in the run-up to the event, such as leather notebooks, bags of coffee and water bottles.
In the UK, the organisation has laid on a series of high-profile, celebrity-supported events since it launched in 2002 to fight poverty in Africa and Aids worldwide.
In 2009, the group campaigned to have enshrined in British law a commitment to development assistance abroad.
ONE spokesman Oliver Buston has now defended the way the organisation is run, insisting the money is used for promoting its campaign and raising awareness rather than being given straight to those who need help.
He said: 'We don't provide programmes on the ground. We're an advocacy and campaigning organisation.'
Another spokesman in New York today dismissed the notion of lavish salaries being paid to its 120 members of staff and said the organisation was highly efficient in its raising of awareness.
ONE said it took no money from the public and that most of its funding came from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Action men and women: Staff from Bono's ONE charity
行動男人和婦女:工作人員來自 Bono的一慈善機構
五十歲的Bono與四十九歲的妻子休森(Ali Hewson)當初創立Edun,旨在改善發展中國家人民的生活,提高時裝行業的持續性。走高檔路線的Edun,業務多由休森策劃,Bono則擔當投資及顧問的角色。公司跟烏干達北部約三千名棉花農民簽訂合約,生產線設在突尼斯、坦桑尼亞和肯尼亞,行政總裁沙利文當時發表聲明說:「需要有人踏出第一步,走在前面。」
Linkin Park 的光明會象徵主義
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