Intelligence Report Envisions “Designing Humans With Unique Abilities” Under Global Governance Regime
Jurriaan Maessen
September 25, 2010
Recently a document was disclosed by the grace of the Freedom of Information Act entitled Global Governance 2025: At a Critical Juncture. The document, written by the American National Intelligence Council (NIC) and the European Union’s Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), outlines the agenda from now to 2025 for global government. It discusses the many obstacles in the quest for achieving global government and discusses the possibility, the desirability, of “designing humans with unique physical, emotional, or cognitive abilities.”
最近一份文件因自由信息法案的恩典被揭露,題為2025年全球治理:在一個關鍵 的接合處,該份由美國國家情報委員會(NIC)和歐洲聯盟安全研究所(EUISS)所寫的文件,概述為全球政府從現在到2025年的議程。它討論許多為爭取實現全球政府的障礙,和討論那可能性、必要性,“設計人類予以獨特的生理、情緒或認知的能力。”

“While not being policy prescriptive, the report shares a strong belief—as exemplified by multilateralist approaches of the US and EU governments to resolving global problems such as the recent financial crisis—that global challenges will require global solutions.”, the document reads.
“雖然沒有政策規定,報告分享一個堅強的信念 - 作為被美國多邊主義者做法的例證,和歐盟各國政府裁決全球問題,例如最近的金融危機 - 即全球性挑戰將需要全球性解決方案。”,文件讀出。
Stressing that issues such as proliferation and cybersecurity are already subject to sufficient international cooperation, the document states:
“(…) we focus on such issues as intrastate conflict, resource management, migration, and biotechnology. Although recognized by many as ongoing challenges, we believe the long-term impact of these issues on the strength of the international order has not been fully appreciated.”
Recognizing that the push for global governance (which is a euphemism for global government) is meeting with increasing resistance worldwide, the authors blame a “multipolar world” for this fact:
“Diverse perspectives and suspicions about global governance, which is seen as a Western concept, will add to the difficulties of effectively mastering the growing number of challenges.”
The document also recognizes international unease with large-scale military adventures- “if (…) driven by the “West””. Furthermore, it proposes an “overall framework to manage the interrelated problems of food, water and energy.”
“Other over-the-horizon issues”, the document goes on to say, “—migration, the potential opening of the Arctic, and risks associated with the biotechnology revolution—are likely to rise in importance and demand a higher level of cooperation. These issues are difficult ones for multilateral cooperation because they involve more preventive action. Under current circumstances, greater cooperation on those issues in which the risks are not clear-cut will be especially difficult to achieve.”
The document goes on to outline several “potential scenarios” of future developments that may threaten the “international system”, the first being that “formal institutions remain largely unreformed and Western states probably must shoulder a disproportionate share of “global governance” as developing countries prevent disruptions at home. This future is not sustainable over the longer term as it depends on no crisis being so unmanageable as to overwhelm the international system.”
The second scenario projected is that of “fragmentation”, or “Powerful states and regions try to wall themselves off from outside threats.”
The third scenario is the most worrisome- not according to the authors of the document, but to all of free humanity:
“Under this scenario, severe threats to the international system—possibly a looming environmental disaster or a conflict that risks spreading—prompt greater cooperation on solving global problems. Significant reform of the international system becomes possible. Although less likely than the first two scenarios in the immediate future, such a scenario might prove the best outcome over the longer term, building a resilient international system that would step up the level of overall cooperation on an array of problems. The US increasingly shares power while China and India increase their burden sharing and the EU takes on a bigger global role. A stable concert could also occur incrementally over a long period in which economic gaps shrink and per capita income converges.”
Mentioning the possibility- even desirability- of a “looming environmental disaster” or conflict as a means to establish world government is the preferred path ahead, according to the authors. But, even more disturbing that global governance to “combat” looming threats, is the possibility and desirability of “designing humans with unique physical, emotional, or cognitive abilities”, pondered upon by the US and EU intelligence councils.” Here is the quote in full:
“In addition, biotechnology—which the OECD thinks will potentially boost the GDPs of its members—can drive new forms of human behavior and association, creating profound cross cultural ethical questions that will be increasingly politically contentious. Few experts believe that current governance instruments are adequate for those challenges. For example, direct modification of DNA at fertilization is widely researched with a goal of removing defective genes; however, discussions of future capabilities open the possibility for designing humans with unique physical, emotional, or cognitive abilities.”