美發歐遊警示 慎防蓋達恐襲
(明報)2010年10月4日 星期一 05:10
【明報專訊】美國 傳媒聲稱,恐怖組織蓋達向歐洲主要城市發動「孟買式」連環槍殺襲擊已進入倒數階段,並已鎖定英國 倫敦 塔、法國 巴黎 艾菲爾鐵塔及德國 柏林 勃蘭登堡門為襲擊目標。美國國務院昨罕有向歐洲發出旅遊警示(travel alert),呼籲國民前往歐洲要提高警覺,但為免觸怒歐洲領袖,美方用字含糊,強調旅遊警示的嚴重性不及旅遊警告(travel warning)。
不用「旅遊警告」 免惹怒歐洲
匿名美官稱,今次發出旅遊警示,是鑑於當局過去一段時間蒐集到的恐襲情報,憂慮蓋達隨時向歐洲發動類似2008年11月印度 孟買的連環突襲。當時10名武裝分子闖入孟買兩間豪華酒店,向遊客亂槍掃射,佔據酒店。歷時3天的襲擊對峙,造成166死逾300人傷。
美國廣播公司及英國《世界新聞報》指,落網的德籍嫌疑恐怖分子,是36歲男子西迪克(Ahmed Sidiqi),他於阿富汗 喀布爾被捕後,向美國情報人員爆出蓋達已鎖定歐洲主要機場、旅遊名勝及豪華酒店為目標,英國倫敦塔及主要地鐵 站、法國巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔及聖母院、德國柏林電視塔及勃蘭登堡門的五星級酒店Adlon Hotel,都面臨孟買式連環槍擊的威脅,意大利 及比利時 亦可能成為襲擊目標。
法「紅色」警示 加強巴黎警力
倫敦警方上周四接到可疑汽車報告,一度把國會附近一條街疏散,目前白金漢宮 、特拉法加廣場及大笨鐘等地標已加強警力。瑞典 則將恐襲威脅提升至最高水平,但官員拒絕評論是否與蓋達的恐襲陰謀有關。
Europe on high alert for Al Qaeda suicide attacks on transport hubs
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
September 22, 2010, 4:51 PM

The high level of preparedness for terrorist attack - "reinforced red" - maintained in France since Sept. 16 was quietly expanded this week to most of the big international air hubs of Europe, including London's Heathrow, Amsterdam's Schiphol andairports in Moscow, Berlin and Rome. Security measures were also redoubled at the important railways and subway stations of Europe.
為恐怖襲擊的高層次防備 - “加強紅色” - 自9月16日在法國維持悄悄地在本週擴大,到大部分歐洲的大型國際航空樞紐,包括倫敦的希思羅機場、阿姆斯特丹的斯希普霍爾,和在莫斯科、柏林和羅馬的機場。保安措施在重要的鐵路和歐洲的地鐵車站亦被加倍。
The commander of French police and security services Frederic Pechenard went on the air Wednesday Sept 22 with a statement for the public: "I'm not here to frighten people," he said, "but we have serious evidence coming in from reliable intelligence sources telling us that there is a risk of a major attack." He declined to say whether the alert level had been raised from "reinforced red" to "reinforced scarlet." He said the danger could come in the form of "the assassination of an important figure or an attempted mass casualty attack on a crowded public area like a metro train or department store."
法國警察的指揮官和安全服務弗雷德里克Pechenard,在9月22日週三播出一項公眾聲明:“我不是來這裡嚇唬人,”他說,“但我們有確鑿證據來自可靠的情報來源,告訴我們有大攻擊的風險。“他拒絕透露警戒級別是否已被從“加強紅色”升至“加強緋紅色。”他說危險可能以“暗殺一位重要人物 或在擁擠的公共場所如地鐵列車或百貨公司,的大規模傷亡攻擊”的形式來到。
debkafile Ltd. S counter-terror sources report that the reliable sources Pechenard referred to were aside from French intelligence, also , the Algerian intelligence DGDS, Algerian military intelligence, the Moroccan DST and the United States AFRICOM which coordinates the war on Al Qaeda in the Horn of Africa and the Sahara.
They reported that Al Qaeda in North Africa, AQIM, had assigned to Europe and France in particular a number of Algerian jihadist women trained to carry out suicide bombings on trains, at railway stations and at major rail junctions.
A single bomber aboard one of the Eurorail multi-country links could wreak havoc along the entire line.
This is why on Wednesday, September 22, it was announced in Paris that one of the main prospective targets for the planned suicide bombings is Gare du Nord, the station from which trains depart for London, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.
Our counterterrorism sources say security measures have also been massively stepped up at St. Pancras International Train Station in central London, the hub of four mainline services, the East Midlands trains, the First Capital Connect, the Southeastern and the Eurostar connecting London to Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and major cities in Germany.
Western terrorism experts find two reasons why the AQIM is raring to go into action at this time:
1. A Qaeda has in recent weeks gained an infusion of Arab fighters who decided to pull out of Afghanistan and Pakistan in light of the rumors about secret negotiations between the US and the Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan and make separate arrangements for Al Qaeda. They want no part of such arrangements and, even more, of being stranded in Afghanistan or Pakistan for a long period at the service of Taliban with no exit route.
Upon arrival in North Africa, these jihadists were keen on going into operation against Western targets without delay to prove that no one can stop al Qaeda.
2. France and AQIM have ramped up their secret war in such countries as Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and the Sahara regions bordering them. It entails al Qaeda's abduction of Westerners, many of them French but also Britons and Spaniards, in exchange for million-dollar ransoms, countered by French raids.
On July 22, at least seven terrorists were killed in a combined French-Mauritanian raid by special forces in northern Mali to free the 78-year-old French hostage Michel Germaneau.
Al Qaeda exacted its revenge by executing the hostage. This week, they kidnapped seven nuclear technicians, including five French nationals, who had been working in the uranium mines of Niger.
The French defense minister responded by dispatching air units to Niger composed of surveillance and combat jets and a unit of special forces with orders to find the hostages and rescue them.
debkafile's counterterrorism sources point to the difficulty of differentiating between abductions conducting in the service of Islamist terror and kidnaps for raising cash to keep those networks afloat and operating.
Many of the network leaders are smugglers or criminals preying on the countries bordering the Sahara who do not belong to al Qaeda but bow to the authority of AQIM leaders 2,000 miles away in Algeria's mountainous regions.
All the same, Al Qaeda in the Maghreb is affected sufficiently by its conflict with France and fresh influx of jihadists to mount ambitious operations on French soil and target the rest of western Europe.