

走入地下: 在住宅區鄰舍和其它所有地方的手機點和其它Wi-Fi幅射釋放器材

走入地下: 在住宅區鄰舍和其它所有地方的手機點和其它Wi-Fi幅射釋放器材
Going Underground: Cell Sites and Other WiFi Radiation Emitting Equipment In Residential Neighborhoods and Everywhere Else

For decades, U.S. agencies have followed a policy that no threshold of radiation exposure is risk-free.  Decades of research supports this on both ionizing and non-ionizing (cell phone and wireless WiFi) radiation.

Many elected officials and government employees seem to be sold on doing this because they keep introducing, pushing and passing federal legislation that prevents municipalities from stopping installation.  This is happening despite widespread scientific opposition, municipal government and citizen protest, lawsuits threatened and filed by various organizations, and health effects (on pets and people) already being reported where it’s been installed.

