Journalist Calls On Congress To Investigate Evidence Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother & “Revoke Her Marriage-Fraud Immunity Card”
May 29, 2019
Journalist Michelle Malkincalled on Congress to investigate one of their own, jihad Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Malkin said the US Congress needs to investigate the claims and evidence that Omar not only violated the law by marrying her brother but also engaged in immigration fraud by doing so in order to get him into the US.
In an op-ed at WND, Malkin wrote:
We have also documented Omar's crimes that she committed in this little stunt she pulled, for which she has yet to be held accountable.
Currently, Omar is the subject of a lawsuit into immigration fraud regarding her marriage to her brother, as well as be naturalized.
However, Malkin briefly recounted the history of the evidence surrounding Omar's immigration fraud.
We have enough native-born scam artists and fraudsters without having to import more from around the world. But you know what’s even more of an insult than an ordinary foreign marriage faker? An entitled, arrogant and unrepentant marriage faker hiding behind the “Islamophobia” and “sexism” cards. Yes, I’m looking at you, Omar.Investigations dating back to 2016 by blogger Scott Johnson of Power Line (which recently celebrated 15 years in the blogosphere), David North of the Center for Immigration Studies, Alpha News reporter Preya Samsundar and reporter David Steinberg have determined that the outspoken Somalian Muslim refugee likely married her own brother named Ahmed Elmi in 2009 for some unknown ill-gotten gain while still informally married to the man she calls her husband and father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi. After a Somalian website floated questions about the marriage arrangement with Elmi and Johnson’s initial reporting broke into the local news, Omar sought to divorce Elmi. Her use of $6,000 in state campaign funds, some of which went to pay a personal divorce lawyer, is currently under state investigation.Social media posts, photographic evidence and publicly available biographical data strongly suggest that Elmi (now living in London) and Omar are siblings with the same father. Many of the pair’s Instagram and Facebook comments to each other have been deleted. Omar’s staff and lawyer have rebuked questions about the arrangement as “categorically ridiculous and false” and suggested that truth-seekers in the matter are “people who do not want an East African, Muslim woman elected to office.” For good measure, Omar has decried “Trump-style misogyny, racism, anti-immigration rhetoric and Islamophobic division.”Hey, I’m not the one who bragged last week that Omar, a naturalized American citizen, brought “the perspective of a foreigner” to her role on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. That was Rep. Omar. Perhaps she’ll share her “foreign perspective” on how any other sane nation would handle an elected official who won’t answer questions about possible felony immigration fraud while sitting on a sensitive legislative panel. I’m all ears.
However, this isn't just about Ilhan Omar. It's about the Democrat Party.
Just as they covered up the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah's ineligibility by signing off that he was eligible to be president without any verifiable documentation, they have apparently embraced this devout Islamic jihadi as one of their own.
But again, the coverup doesn't stop there.
Malkin is right. If Democrats are going to go through a two-year-long investigation into something that never happened when it was their own party leaders, including the usurper of the White House that engaged in unlawful conduct, then someone needs to be very loud in getting to the bottom of the unlawful conduct, supported with documented evidence, of Ilhan Omar.明尼蘇達國會穆斯林女眾議員用欺詐手段跟自己親兄弟結婚,幫他快速進入美國一事一直在社交網站流傳,儘管有各種照片和證據顯示但均被她和民主黨否認,現在有官方學校記錄曝光,他們的父親確實是同一個人。她竟然還是國會外國事物委員會委員手按可…