





(More detail can be read about this research funded by Bill Gates at Scientific American.)

Physicists, engineers, biologists and citizen scientists are devising new technologies and tests so we can globetrot again.
22 June 2020

Travellers would present the customs officers with an entrance visa and a vaccination record. That could be a paper card – or a tiny tattoo on their arm, invisible to the naked eye but readable by an infrared scanner. This technology already exists and has been tried on live animals and human cadaver skin, said researcher Ana Jaklenec at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their method uses micro-needle patches that can deliver both the vaccine and a squirt of an invisible ink under the person’s skin, storing the vaccination record.
旅遊人仕將向海關人員出示入境簽證和疫苗接種記錄。 那可能是張紙卡- 或者是在他們手臂上的細小紋身(用追蹤墨水紋的),肉眼是看不見的,卻可以被紅外掃描器讀取。 麻省理工學院的研究員Ana Jaklenec說,這項技術已經存在,並且已經在活生生的動物和人類屍體的皮膚上進行嘗試。 他們的方法是使用微針片塊,既可以注射疫苗,又可以在人的皮膚下噴射看不見的墨水,儲存疫苗接種記錄。

“The macro-needles don't leave scars and are less invasive than the regular needles – it’s like putting on a Band-Aid,” Jaklenec said. That subdermal record is readable by a simple scanner, she added. “It can even be done with a modified phone.”
Jaklenec說:“與一般針相比,大針不會留下疤痕和具有較小的侵入性 - 就像貼上創可貼。” 她補充說,皮下記錄可以透過簡單的掃描器讀取,或 甚至可以使用一部經改良過的手提電話。

Supported by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the technology was aimed to help in the developing world where paper or electronic records aren’t always reliable. The goal is to try it on humans with a measles vaccine soon, but the tech may come handy for other proofs of immunisations – for example at the immigration point.
由比爾和梅琳達蓋茨基金支持,這項技術旨在為紙張或電子記錄不可靠的發展中國家提供幫助。 目標是以麻疹疫苗盡快對人類進行試驗,但是該技術可能會方便地用於其他免疫證明,例如在海關站口。

