


 光全都從天上來, 昨天新西蘭東北海岸附近發生一系列大地震,這從納皮爾拍到的照片中看到光從地下射出來,太陽亦不會在東面的納皮爾降落,究竟是什麼回事?是否和大地震有關?地殼䆁放能量?抑或其它?

We have had a cluster of major earthquakes off the North Eastern coast of New Zealand.

Last night (Thursday 4.3.2020) at 7.30pm this photo was taken over the eastern ocean horizon, when the the sun sets in the west.

It has everyone talking that this light ray has been associated with the forewarning of earthquakes.

Sunset in the West of the North Island was at 8pm last night. We'd be interested what people think.

Cheers....it's been a big day in these parts....


We have no idea what is going on in the east, but it's very strange indeed.

Just check out this photo from Napier last night.

The sun does not set in the east!

No one knows what it is and we'd like to hear from anyone who has any idea.

Apparently the water is retreating near Waitangi, so it might be the beginning.

We are keeping watch on all Media


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