A new poll has revealed that two-thirds of British men would rather die 10 years early than stop eating meat.
The survey also revealed that over half of British men think a meat-heavy diet is linked to masculinity, with 12% saying that giving up meat would compromise their manliness. Most shockingly, 10% said they would rather go to prison than give up eating meat.
The poll was conducted by No Meat May, a charity campaign that challenges the public to eliminate meat from their diet for the 31 days of May. The charity noted that over 90% of the people who had signed up to the challenge were women, and more needed to be done to convince men to consider a meat-free lifestyle.
What would it take to convince men to give up meat, it asked? A third of respondents said they would give it up if it improved their overall health, while almost 20% said they would stop eating meat if it improved their sexual performance
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