



Tennessee hat store promotes ‘not vaccinated’ patch styled on Nazi yellow star, drawing condemnation & calls for boycott


A hat shop in Nashville, Tennessee is taking heat after unveiling an anti-vaccine patch modeled on the yellow star forced on Jews during the Holocaust, with observers online rejecting the comparison as wildly offensive.


The store, hatWRKS, took to Instagram on Friday to promote the new item, which carries the words “Not vaccinated” and is designed around the Nazis’ infamous ‘Juden’ star, perhaps one of the most widely known symbols of the Holocaust.

名為 hatWRKS 的帽店週五在 Instagram 上推廣這新物品,圍繞著納粹臭名遠播的“猶太人”六芒星設計,這可能是大屠殺最廣為人知的象徵之一,並且上面寫上“不接種疫苗”的字樣。



people are so outraged by my post? but are you outraged with the tyranny the world is experiencing? if you don't understand what is happening, that is on you, not me. i pay much more respect to history by standing up with the fallen than offering silence & compliance. that is the worse crime. it was then & is now. i will delete your disgust and hope you put it where it belongs.

人們被我的帖子激怒? 但你對世界正在經歷中的暴政有感到憤怒嗎? 如果你不明白發生什麼事,那是你的問題,而不是我。 通過與倒下者站在一起我尊重歷史,比給予沉默和順從更多。 那是更嚴重的罪行, 那時是現在也是。 我會刪除你的厭惡,並希望你把它放在屬於它的地方。

