維他命B6 可降罹肺癌率5成
醫師:指單向推論 無實驗證明
邱曉佩 報導
怎麼吃可以防癌,最新美國醫學期刊指出,分析1992年到2000年,將近52萬人的血液發現,維他命B6含量高的人比起含量低的人,罹患肺癌機率減少五成六,即使評估吸煙因素,最高組的罹癌率仍減少四成八 國內醫師認為這是單向推論結果,目前沒有臨床研究證實,而且罹患癌症並非單一因素影響,而維他命B6其實在青菜,橘子,魚肉,都可以攝取的到,也不宜攝取過多,均衡飲食就好,想預防肺癌,最好的方法還是戒菸
Vitamin B lowers lung cancer risk
Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:07:21 GMT
Individuals with high blood levels of B-vitamin are at a reduced risk of developing lung cancer in the long run, even if they smoke, a new study says.
According to the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, high blood levels of Vitamin B6 and the amino acid methionine halves the risk of developing lung cancer, regardless of the individual's smoking status.
"Vitamin B levels might be higher in people who eat a healthy diet, and this in itself can help reduce the risk of cancer," said lead researcher Panagiota Mitrou.
He pointed out the important role of diet in lung cancer development, adding that nuts, fish and meat are a rich source of vitamin B.
"These findings are really exciting as they are important for understanding the process of lung cancer and could have implications for prevention," said Mitrou, adding that more studies are needed before they could be confident about the protective role of excessive B-vitamins in fighting lung cancer.
Scientists stressed that stopping smoking is the most effective way to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.
''These findings should not be interpreted as evidence that smokers can substitute taking vitamin B6 for stopping smoking, nor as encouragement to take very high doses of vitamin B6, since this can have toxic effects on the skin and nervous system," said Michael J. Thun, Vice President Emeritus of Epidemiology and Surveillance Research for the American Cancer Society.
Cigarette smoking is responsible for 90 percent of all cases diagnosed with lung cancer, the most common form of malignancy in the world. The condition kills 1.2 million individuals each year.