Futuristic weapon approach a possible rainmaking breakthrough
Published 04 May, 2010, 13:08
Edited 31 May, 2010, 22:50

A powerful laser can be shot into humid air to cause intense water condensation, scientists have discovered. The technology has the potential to replace cloud seeding widely used today.
When a short laser pulse is shot into the air, it forms a path of ionised nitrogen and oxygen. Some military researchers want to use this “plasma channel” to conduct electricity in futuristic direct energy weapons, but there appears to be a peaceful application.
The ionized molecules act as natural nuclei for water condensation and can potentially be used to cause rain. Optical physicist Jérôme Kasparian at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and colleagues stumbled on it as they investigated the possibility of diverting lightning discharges via laser.
電離分子裝作水凝結的自然核,並有可能被用來造成降雨。瑞士日內瓦大學的光學物理學家熱羅姆 Kasparian,和同事們偶然發現它,當他們調查通過激光分流雷電的可能性時。
The “cloud seeding” method used today involves silver iodide or frozen carbon dioxide, which stimulate droplet formation in clouds. The chemicals are released by ground generators or dropped from planes wherever needed. The approach, which has been used for some 50 years now, is only moderately efficient and there are some environmental concerns over it.
So far Kasparian and the team have successfully tested the laser-induced condensation technology both in lab and in the field. They measured the number of new droplets by counting back-scatterings from a second low-energy pulse from another laser. In humid weather, they measured 20 times more of those after firing the first beam, they report online in Nature Photonics.
The technology, however, is in the early stages, and the scientists are yet to prove that it can effectively cause condensation over wide areas rather than along a narrow channel. They also need to investigate if it works in different environmental conditions.
Military flash lasers underwater to make bang!
Published 08 September, 2009, 12:04
Edited 30 September, 2009, 17:01

US Navy researchers want to use a special laser to remotely generate sound underwater. It can be used for communication with submarines, sonar imaging and confusing enemy subs.
The laser is tailored so that once entering into salt water it focuses itself, using the liquid as a sort of lens. This creates a small zone of ionization, which quickly absorbs laser energy, causing a loud explosion of steam. Dr. Ted Jones, who leads the Naval Research Laboratory team, says the bang generates sound pressure of 220 decibels, or about the same level as an active sonar generates.
At the same time, in the air the beam can travel hundreds of meters unhindered. The equipment is compact enough to be used from an aircraft. Navy scientists say it could be used to deliver messages to subs on patrol from passing planes without the need for the submarines to surface.
On the civilian side, the team suggest the laser mounted underwater can be coupled with a steering mirror to generate arrays of underwater acoustic sources, which can be helpful for sonar imaging.
美國成功測試 以機載激光擊落導彈