神聖羅馬帝國的復活- 圖斯克查理曼獎

The Holy Roman Empire Is Back!
A foundational prophecy of your Bible has just been fulfilled. The perfect military storm is about to explode. Let the world beware!
The Holy Roman Empire became official January 1, 2010. On that date, the European Union implemented its diplomatic service and appointed other officials. That made the Holy Roman Empire official.
Now they have begun to build their own military, which is destined to become a world-shaking superpower!
The EU constitution was signed in November 2009. It is far from being a Democratic Constituion. The EU is absolutely domineered by Germany - a nation that started World Wars I and II.
歐盟憲法在2009年11月簽署,它遠遠不是民主的憲法。歐盟是絕對是由德國打骰 - 一個國家開始第一和第二次世界大戰。
The empire is to be guided by the Vatican. That makes it a church-state combine - hence, the name Holy Roman Empire. But if you look at the previous six heads of that empire, you will see that it was the opposite of holy!
帝國是由梵蒂岡引領,那使它成為政教合一 - 因此,名為神聖羅馬帝國。但如果你看看那帝國過去的 6個頭,你將看到它是和神聖相反的!
The Holy Roman Empire has seven heads. The seventh is NOW on the scene. The first head began in A.D. 554 and was ruled by Justinian. The sixth head ended at the conclusion of World War II in 1945. It was ruled by madman Adolf Hitler, one of the bloodiest tyrants in the history of man.
神聖羅馬帝國有七個頭,第七個是現在上場。第一個頭始於公元554並由查士丁尼統治,第六頭在 1945年終結於第二次世界大戰結束時,它是由瘋子希特勒統治的,其中一位在歷史上是最血腥的暴君。
According to the Bible, the seventh head will be the bloodiest one of all - by far!
根據聖經,第七頭將是所有中最血腥的一頭 - 遠遠!
The world is so ignorant about the Holy Roman Empire that people don't see what is happening. Even most Europeans don't understand.
Otto von Habsburg was a member of the European Parliament only a few years ago. Here is what he said:
"The European Community is living largely by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire, though the great majority of the people who live by it don't know by what heritage they live."
The undemocratic constitution the EU signed was called the Lisbon Treaty. Few people can understand what this treaty is. Such deceitful tactics are why most people in Europe and the world are unaware of what is really happening. The EU has just created a constitution for the Holy Roman Empire.
The EU is now comprised of 27 nations. But the Bible says it will have 10 kings. That means this political-religious union is about to be radically reduced. Perhaps another financial crisis, or some other disaster, will produce that result.
I believe based upon what God has revealed to me, it will be the beginnings of World War III. America will witness successful terrorist bombings, possible the beginning of a nuclear war in this year of 2010!
Making the EU smaller will make it much less democratic, more unified, and more powerful - so powerful that it will start World War III.
使歐盟變小將使它更不民主,更多統一,更強有力 - 如此強有力它將開展第三次世界大戰。
It is high time people understand what is happening in Europe! The world is about to be bludgeoned into this reality. The Holy Roman Empire has risen six times in Europe. EACH TIME, it has soaked the continent in blood. The seventh head is going to shed blood around the world. Its past strongly indicates what it will do in the future. Its history alone should make people tremble with fear today!
Thankfully, this will be the seventh and last head of this empire. Then this world is going to be filled with peace, joy and abundance forever! That too is prophesied in the Bible and must be fulfilled - just as the prophesied seven heads of the Holy Roman Empire have been.
謝天謝地,這將是第七個也是這帝國最後的頭,隨後這個世界將永遠充滿和平、快樂和富足!那亦是預言在聖經中和必定履行 - 正如已預言的神聖羅馬帝國的七頭。
Will the seventh Holy Roman Empire also be in the "tradition" of Adolf Hitler and the sixth head? Yes, it will - so states Bible prophecy! But that history is too recent for European leaders to discuss it coming in the tradition of Adolf Hitler!
第七神聖羅馬帝國將會否亦在阿道夫希特勒和第六頭的“傳統”?是的,它會 - 聖經預言這樣申明!但是,歷史是太近給歐洲領導人去討論它,即將在阿道夫希特勒的傳統來臨!
In 1983, Pope John Paul II was in Vienna - 300 years after the city was attacked by the "barbarian Turks" and the Polish king rallied the European kings and drove out the barbarians. John Paul was saying, back in 1983, that Europe needed to get back to its Christian roots. He was referring to the "Christian roots" of the bloody Holy Roman empire. The current pope will rally Europe into making this a reality.
在1983年,教皇約翰保祿二世是在維也納 - 城市遭到“野蠻的土耳其人”攻擊,和波蘭國王凝聚歐洲諸王和逐出野蠻人300年後。回至1983年,約翰保祿在說,歐洲需要回歸自己的基督教根源,他指的是血腥神聖羅馬帝國的“基督教根源”,目前的教宗將凝聚歐洲使這成為現實。
The Vatican leaders understand their history - unlike most of the world. This is why millions of people are so easily deceived.
梵蒂岡的領導人了解他們的歷史 - 不像世界的大部分,這就是為什麼以百萬計的人都這麼容易受騙。
The seven resurrections of the Holy Roman Empire...
"And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space" (Revelation 17:10)
"又 是 七 位 王 . 五 位 已 經 傾 倒 了 、 一 位 還 在 、 一 位 還 沒 有 來 到 . 他 來 的 時 候 、 必 須 暫 時 存 留 。" (啟 示 錄 17:10)
I know all to well that there are MANY valid theories out there on the SEVEN kings.
May I remind you, however, that the Bible speaks of the dragon (in which the Antichrist will arise from) AND TWO other beasts.
"And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having SEVEN heads and TEN horns, AND SEVEN diadems on his head." (Revelation 12:3)
"天 上 又 現 出 異 象 來 . 有 一 條 大 紅 龍 、 七 頭 十 角 、 七 頭 上 戴 著 七 個 冠 冕 。" (啟 示 錄12:3)
And the Bible also speaks of the BEAST out of the sea...
"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having SEVEN heads and TEN horns, and on his horns TEN crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name." (Revelation 13:1)
"我 又 看 見 一 個 獸 從 海 中 上 來 、 有 十 角 七 頭 、 在 十 角 上 戴 著 十 個 冠 冕 、 七 頭 上 有 褻 瀆 的 名 號 。" (啟 示 錄 13:1)
And still the Bible speaks of yet ANOTHER beast out of the earth...
"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon."
(Revelation 13:11)
"我 又 看 見 另 有 一 個 獸 從 地 中 上 來 . 有 兩 角 如 同 羊 羔 、 說 話 好 像 龍 。 " (啟 示 錄
Even more..."And I saw THREE unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to battle on that great day of God Almighty."
(Revelation 16:13,14)
甚至更多...“我 又 看 見 三 個 污 穢 的 靈 、 好 像 青 蛙 、 從 龍 口 獸 口 並 假 先 知 的 口 中 出 來 . 他 們 本 是 鬼 魔 的 靈 、 施 行 奇 事 、 出 去 到 普 天 下 眾 王 那 裡 、 叫 他 們 在 神 全 能 者 的 大 日 聚 集 爭 戰 。" ( 啟 示 錄 16:13, 14)
I hope you can see that there is a dragon and two beasts and spirits of demons.
President Obama is absolutely part of these prophecies which I will post in a different topic.
This thread is in regards to the prophecy of the DRAGON with the SEVEN heads.
(Revelation 12:3)
This, hopefully, will clear much confusion up.
Now, I continue with the SEVEN Resurrections of the Holy Roman Empire...
1. A.D. 554 - Justinian - Imperial Restoration
公元554 - 查士丁尼 - 帝國恢復
2. A.D. 774 - Charlemagne - Frankish Kingdom
公元774 - 查理 - 法蘭克王國
3. A.D. 962 - Otto the Great - German Kingdom
公元962 - 奧托大 - 德國人王國
4. A.D. 1520 - Charles V - Habsburg Dynasty
公元1520年 - 查爾斯五世 - 哈布斯堡王朝
5. A.D. 1804 - Napoleon - French Kingdom
公元1804年 - 拿破崙 - 法國人王國
6. 1870 - 1945 - Garibaldi - Hitler - German/Italian Axis
1870至1945年 - 加里波第 - 希特勒 - 德國人 /意大利人軸心
7. RISING NOW! Union of 10 under one leader
May the world beware and warned of Dr. Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. He was born in Bavaria into an illustrious family history. "Zu" denotes ownership of Guttenberg, where the family has lived in a castle since 1482 and has the power to appoint the local parish priest!
In February 2009, he was appointed as the youngest ever economics minister. In October, after he drew a large percentage of the vote, acquiesced to his demand for a senior federal post: defense minister.
I will be publishing much more on this man and why you should watch him.
The end times is our present times.
For those awaiting for the second coming of Christ...THIS IS THE BEST NEWS THE WORLD HAS EVER HEARD.
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