

衛報:倫敦暴動被忽略的來龍去脈 - 333人在警方拘留時死亡,冇人定罪

衛報:倫敦暴動被忽略的來龍去脈 - 333人在警方拘留時死亡,冇人定罪
Guardian: The Ignored London Riots Context – 333 Deaths In Police Custody, 0 Convictions
The Intel Hub
By Alexander Higgins
August 9, 2011

The Guardian reports on the context behind the London Riots that is being completely ignored – unbridled corruption and police brutality.
衛報報導倫敦騷亂背後的背景被完全忽略 : 肆無忌憚的腐敗和警察暴行。
The U.K. is ripe with police corruption/brutality and while the corporate media refuses to report on it, an article from The Guardian hits the nail on the head.
Since 1998 there have been 333 deaths in police custody and not one single conviction, which previously prompted a Guardian piece warning that the police are not on our side and that there is a movement by the masses to remove the media barons and the feral elite from power.
自1998年以來已有333人死於被警方拘留時,而沒有單一被定罪,那在此前促使一篇衛報警告讓我們停止假設警察在我們一邊 ,兼且有一個群眾運動要從權力清除媒體大亨和野獸精英。
When you add that context to the brutal execution of a black man and the beating of a 16 year old girl at a peaceful protest by 15 police officers, a story that has been scrubbed by the corporate media, you get anarchy in the U.K. which has now spread across all of England.
當您添加那背景以由15名警察殘暴處決一名黑人和毆打一位在和平抗議 的16歲女孩,一個故事已由企業媒體擦洗,你會在英國得到現在已擴散至全英格蘭的無政府狀態。
We must also consider the widespread reports of the possibility of full scale martial law being declared on the streets of London.

'Banker puppet govt + police brutality + betrayed youth = London riots'
“銀行家的傀儡政府 + 警察暴行 + 背叛青年 = 倫敦暴動”

The Guardian lays out the context that can’t be ignored:
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