


非 利 士 全 地 阿 、 不 要 因 擊 打 你 的 杖 折 斷 就 喜 樂 . 因 為 從 蛇 的 根 、 必 生 出 毒 蛇 . 他 所 生 的 、 是 火 焰 的 飛 龍 。
以 賽 亞 書14:29
約 翰 看 見 許 多 法 利 賽 人 和 撒 都 該 人 、 也 來 受 洗 、 就 對 他 們 說 、 毒 蛇 的 種 類 、 誰 指 示 你 們 逃 避 將 來 的 忿 怒 呢 。
馬太福音 3:7

你 們 這 些 蛇 類 、 毒 蛇 之 種 阿 、 怎 能 逃 脫 地 獄 的 刑 罰 呢 。
馬太福音 23:33

3 你 們 這 些 巫 婆 的 兒 子 、 姦 夫 和 妓 女 的 種 子 、 都 要 前 來 。
4 你 們 向 誰 戲 笑 、 向 誰 張 口 吐 舌 呢 . 你 們 豈 不 是 悖 逆 的 兒 女 、 虛 謊 的 種 類 呢 .
以 賽 亞 書57:3-4
Icke's Reptilians scientifically proven...
Topic started on 29-9-2011 @ 12:29 PM
Translation by Autumnson Blog

well, sort of... hear me out
This thread has nothing to do with alien shape-shifters, but everything to do with the
triune brain (i.e. reptilian, paleomammalian, and neomammalian complexes) and tying it with the finding that people who display psycopathic traits have been found to have a smaller amygdala (the part of the brain which deals with emotion) than normal.

I'm definitely more pragmatic conspiracy leaning with political, economic and world power structure topics than the more "out there" (for lack of a better term) angles like aliens and yes, shape-shifting reptilian beings.
However, I have come to both of these realms might just join up when it comes to David Icke's shape-shifting reptilian beings theory... sort of.
For those not aware of this theory see here:  David Icke Reptilian Shapeshifting(simply typing it in a search engine will yield numerous results as well.)
對於那些不知道這一理論的看這裡:(只需在搜索引擎鍵入亦將取得很多鏈接。) 大衛艾奇蜥蜴人變形
In my humble opinion, this theory is a metaphor of sorts tying in to, what I believe to be, a root cause for most of the more pragmatic conspiracy theories often tied with excessive greed and a seemingly insatiable quest for power... and that is PSHYCOPATHIC TRAITS in people who hold positions of power.
(See other member's threads on Psychopaths in positions of power here:
Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work; A Review  Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work; A Review Defense Againsts the Psychopath
Are we ruled by psychopaths?among others.)
In a nutshell, Psycopaths are not (if extremely rarely) Hannibal Lecter-type mass murderers, however they are people who display the traits of:
-pathological lying 病態說謊
-superficial charm 流於表面的魅力
-arrogance 氣焰囂張
-manipulativeness 操控狂
-the compulsive need to control situations and people 強迫的需要去控制情況和人民*

The people diagnosed with Psychopathy make up only 1% of the population, but are statistically over-represented in careers and positions such as politicians, judges, law enforcement, the military, and the corporate world.*
Scientists Robert Hare and Stephen Porter (University of British Colombia) have discovered that the evidence for a hereditary genetic anomaly exists in the psycopath, the aforementioned smaller amygdala. This part of the brain, which processes emotion, is found in the paleomammalian brain. (Not the reptilian brain!)
科學家羅伯特野兔和斯蒂芬波特(英屬哥倫比亞大學)發現證據,有一種遺傳性的基因異常存在於精神病患者中,即之前提過小一些的杏仁核。這處理情感的大腦部分被發現在史前哺乳動物的大腦。 (而不是爬行動物的大腦!)
The interesting thing to note here, is that Psychopaths are essentially a different race of humans, displaying more reptilian brain than mammalian brain.
Hare concludes,
Hare says, just remember 
they (psychopaths) are fundamentally 
unlike the rest of us. Psychopaths are 
programmed to prey on and humiliate 
others. They can’t help it. Don’t 
reason with them (you can’t) and 
above all, don’t engage in a battle 
with one, because a psychopath always needs to win and will use every 
tool in his or her arsenal to accomplish 
For me, the most telling part of the study's conclusion is:

psychopaths will use your 
sense of fair play against you. Because 
we don’t harm others, we assume 
others won’t harm us. This makes us 
easy marks.
Many of us wonder "how can they sleep at night?" after a CEO defrauds a retiree of their life savings or politicians and military officers orders actions which lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
The reality is, we can never understand, because, on a genetic level these people's brains are different than ours, making them, in essence, a different animal.

So, perhaps David Icke is on to something with his theory. People in positions of power may actually be genetically different, with a brain closer to reptiles than the majority. (I just won't be holding my breath for any alien shape-shifting!)

The good news... they only make up 1% of the population, so, if we learn to spot them and remove them from positions of power, victory over the reptilians may not be impossible!

*SOURCE: "Psychopaths Among Us" Reader's Digest, September 2011 (pgs. 50-55)


地球深處 可能存在另類人種
人民報 奇聞異象


傳說幾世紀前,北極的地下領域裡生活著一群遠古部落,他們在地表下有很好的住所。神秘學家認為,進入喜馬拉雅山底傳說中 Shambala 地區、北方樂土和 Plutonia 的入口非常隱密,外面人不知道。

最近,一份可靠的報告稱,到達地球的 UFO 首先不是來自太空,而是來自地球北極下面的一個巨大洞穴中。

在柏拉圖時代,人們最先猜測地球裡面可能也存在生命。柏拉圖認為地球裡面充滿地道和洞穴。研究人員埃德蒙‧哈雷(Edmond Halley)研究了地球磁場,發現稍有變化,表明地球可能同時有幾個磁場。


70年前北極地圖顯示,此三分之一的地域是沒有探查過的,這意味著神秘的「北極」可能有人類生活。不過,俄羅斯自然科學院地質學與礦物學博士馬克‧薩帝可夫(Mark Sadikov)確信,北極沒有洞穴能充當入口進入地下區域。北極地區位於北冰洋深海下,底下有山脈和盆地。

北極與南極研究院的地理學家瑪麗亞‧加夫裡羅(Maria Gavrilo)表示,當她考察北極時,沒發現北極有洞穴,北極是一個冰雪覆蓋的海洋,這一點沒錯。許多努力尋找洞穴的人都徒勞無功。








星門、巴別塔和蘇美爾眾神的回歸- Stan Deyo

David Icke - 傀儡奧巴馬...美國醒來!

David Icke - 那麼他們是誰?歷史證據 (長片)

David Icke - 光明會血緣操控現實


蜥蜴人主題在挪威 Vigelandsparken公園





Drunvalo Melchizedeks 蜥蜴人的變形
