

新聞警報! Dutchsince 的帳戶被YouTube關閉!

新聞警報! Dutchsince 的帳戶被YouTube關閉!
News Alert! Dutchsince Youtube Account Shut Down!
Posted on September 5, 2011
by Zen Gardner
Translation by Autumnson Blog
If you type in Dutchsince’s youtube account address: www.youtube.com/user/dutchsince you will get the following screen and message:
This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our  Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.

證明Dutch 是在做大單嘢
Proof Dutch Was On To Something Big
Dutch was afraid they were going to do this. Having followed him closely the past few months as he was hot on the controllers heels identifying HAARP rings manipulating weather, and telling the real truth about the potency of the earth changes we're undergoing, all of which are either ignored or under-reported in the MSM news, he started getting hounded by trolls and no doubt government psyop complainers.
The case was building moreso recently, and then his best friend was shot several times, perhaps a warning to him to stop with the truth-telling.
Dutchsinse has been accurately forecasting severe weather and possible tornadic weather for months, with incredible accuracy. That our weather is very much manufactured and deliberately steered into population areas is a now a documented fact.
And apparently, they don't like that.

Google, YouTube, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, IBM et al...All In The Tank With the NSA - Beware
谷歌、YouTube、Facebook、蘋果、微軟、IBM等等...全都在戰車中與NSA串連 - 小心

The information world is up against a formidable foe. And the bastards are closing in a little at a time. As I and many others have been saying, all they need is another 9/11 with cyber, or without cyber, connections to have the excuse to go after anything they don't want. The so-called laws have been scrapped, stretched and twisted to now include anyone and everyone as a potential suspect for an array of reasons that seems to metastasize daily.
On a happy note, more secure avenues of information sharing are evolving, and everyone involved in this area of research needs to please step on the gas.

Please keep Dutchsinse in your thoughts, prayers and intentions as he's been a wonderful asset to the alternative news community. This is certainly a time to pull together in any way we can to help each other.

As Dutch always signs off,

"Much love"...



Dutchsinse: YouTube 在停止言論自由...知道吧

Dutchsince 頻道恢復 - 感謝許多人的支持

Dutchsinse: 南卡羅來納州龍捲風 -- 美國南部惡劣天氣爆發 = HAARP環預測
