

Dutchsince 頻道恢復 - 感謝許多人的支持

2011年9月6日 - 頻道恢復 - 感謝許多人的支持 - 在這時代彼此相愛
9/6/2011 -- Channel Restored -- Thanks to the support of many -- love one another during these times
上傳者: dutchsinse |
2011-09-06 |
Translation by Autumnson Blog

First... thank you to the thousands (tens of thousands) of people who took note of this issue, and voiced their support. Dozens of videos made, and articles written !! THANK YOU !!!
SO many people.. Davide Icke, Steve Quayle, Propheticseer, WaronErrordkos, tatoott1009, sheilaaliens, starscream, and literally dozens of other youtube video makers... even some of my critics who do not agree w/ me on HAARP/weather modification voiced their concerns over the video being removed.
Also, thank you to the review department at Youtube for promptly looking over this.


新聞警報! Dutchsince 的帳戶被YouTube關閉!

Dutchsinse: YouTube 在停止言論自由...知道吧


警報: 美國多地及德國Meteox 出現HAARP環; Dutchsinse被和諧了?!
