


The Day After Tomorrow trailer

Is the Movie "The Day After Tomorrow" Actually Project Blue Beam's Real Mission?
2011年10月7日 下午 07:05:27
Translation by Autumnson Blog
UPDATE: 10/6/11 - I am republishing this as much has happened since this was done. We have all been speculating about what the plan to depopulate the planet is, by the elite, and as time went by it was clear that we were not in the ball park becuase nothing came of all their fear mongering. In reading every single day about the Occupy Wall Street when nothing is really happening, a light went on in my noggin and it hit me hard. I hope I am wrong because if they do what it appears they are going to do, then they are totally mentally ill people way beyond anything we could imagine. They are dangerous and must never see the light of day again and their offspring must be monitored carefully. Remember, these people are satanists and they HATE "LIFE" and they hate this planet. Now, here are some things and questions to really consider. Check it out and see if you think I am off base on this one. This is my speculation and nothing more, based on the answers to these questions that I have been able to put together and the "coincidences" that seem to support each other. Please ignore the cyberwarriors attempt to distract your reading of this below by messing with my colors. As I say often, please read and you decide. Thanks.
更新日期:2011年10月6日 - 自從做了這後因為已有許多事情發生,我重新發布此文。我們所有人一直在猜測精英減少地球人口的計劃是什麼,及隨著時間過去它變得清楚,我們並不是在棒球場,因為他們全部的恐懼散播都沒有事情發生。當沒有事情發生的每一天,我在閱讀有關#佔領華爾街,在我的頭裏一度亮光出現及大力擊中我。我希望我是錯的,因為如果他們做了他們似乎想要做的,那麼他們是完全的精神病人,遠超我們可以想像的方式。他們是危險的,必須永遠再也看不到日光和他們的後代必須被仔細監察。記住,這些人都是撒旦教徒,他們憎恨“生命”和這地球。現在,有一些事情和問題真的要考慮...

1. They are masters of distraction, the bigger the distraction, the worse the problem they are creating and trying to hide. So Why did Soros orchestrate this "occupy Wall Street" now? What are they trying to distract the majority of people from noticing using this Wall Street event and doing it over days and weeks? The longer the distraction, the bigger the agenda.
1. 他們是干擾大師,干擾越大他們在創造並試圖隱藏的問題就越惡劣。那麼現在為什麼索羅斯精心安排了“佔領華爾街”呢?他們使用此次華爾街事件試圖轉移大部份人的注意是為什麼,而且做的是數天和數週呢?干擾的時間越長,議程就越大。
2. While there are many reasons they purposely did the gulf, what is the BIG reason they did it??? This article below covers that very well as does the blog surrounding the article.
3. Why the Seed Bank and the Underground bunkers and the stocking up of food and water as if they were going to be down there for years??? Why the seed bank especially? A nuke war would not destroy all seed producing plants at all. What event could ensure the necessity of a seed bank??? What event could destroy every single plant on the planet (and every single animal as well) ?
3. 為什麼種子銀行、地下掩體及囤積食物和水,彷彿他們要在下面多年???特別是種子庫是為什麼的?一場核戰爭是不會破壞所有種子生產工廠的。什麼樣的事件才可確保種子庫的必要性?什麼事件可摧毀地球上每間單一的植物(以及每隻單一的動物)?
4. How do you get 6 billion people to die without coming after you for doing it? How do you fool them into believing the event was an accident or something that just happens? With so few of the elite, taking on such a huge population requires a method that ensures their safety, (against us retaliating?) so what could that be???
4. 你這樣做如何令60億人死亡而自己沒事?你如何愚弄他們相信,事件是一宗意外或事情剛好發生了呢?這麼少數的精英,對付這樣龐大的人口需要一個方法以確保他們的安全,(針對我們報復?),那它會是什麼呢???
5. What is the real purpose of Project Blue Beam???
5. 項目藍光束的真正目的是什麼呢???
6. Why so many HAARP's around the globe??? Are they tied into Project Blue beam? (one of them is in space as the link shows. scroll down to the photos of the facilities, its impressive what we do not know, and what more is out there that we do not know).
6。為什麼世界各地有這麼多的HAARP???難道他們與項目藍光束有關? (它們其中一個是在太空如鏈接顯示,向下滾動至設施的照片,它是令人印象深刻的而我們什麼不知道,及那裡有更多而我們是什麼都不知道的)。
7. With the Khazars in control of Movies, entertainment and public entertainment, and their Satanic requirement to always tell us in advance what they plan, has that move been made already??? If so what movie would show us the extinction event they plan???
7. 隨著卡扎爾人控制了電影、娛樂和公共娛樂場所,和他們的撒旦性要求要經常提前告訴我們他們所計劃的,那行動已經被作出了???如果是這樣,什麼電影會向我們展示他們計劃的絕滅事件???
8. What reason did they have for also collecting DNA of all animals on the planet and the collection of DNA of all new born babies since 9-11? Why are they collecting the DNA of all prisoners in prisons?
9. Why are all the seed companies (3 major companies) consolidating the control of seeds globally? You just don't spend that kind of time and money with no return and that is what that does. By itself this may not seem like much, but added to everything else, it fits a pattern. Add to that Bill Gates' purchase of Monsanto, one of the three and his contribution financially in building the arctic seed bank, and his purchase of Blackwater, means something big is coming down or they will "try" something big.
10. Why, on October 4th was haarp out and going like crazy like we had never seen before??? Right after Dutchsinse was removed in Sept from YouTube. Dutch has always been our "go-to-guy" HAARP watcher and he was laid to rest for about a week and when he came back up, nothing on HAARP of any of the geological anomolies? Don't you find that odd? Here is a quote from him at that time when he showed back up on YouTube: "DutchsinSe is restored! This account is only for back up purposes." Did he have to make a deal to get back on???
10. 為什麼10月4日HAARP出擊及像瘋了似的,是之前我們從未見過的?直接在九月時Dutchsinse從 YouTube被移除後。荷蘭人一直經常是一位“硬漢”HAARP觀察家,及他被擺平休息了一個星期左右,及當他回來,HAARP上沒有任何地質異常?你不覺得奇怪嗎?下面是一個來自他的引述,在他重新出現出在 YouTube時:“!DutchsinSe恢復了!此帳戶只是為備份目的。”他是否作出了交易才可回來?
11. So why was HAARP out in full force on October 4th with buzzing sounds that you could hear in your house and on the streets. It was really really bad enough for me to post it on one of my blogs at the time.
11. 那麼為什麼HAARP在10月4日全面出擊帶著嗡嗡聲,你能在你的房子和街道上聽到。真的是壞透了當時要我在我其中一個網誌貼出來。

12. Why did Britain put a million books underground???
12. 為什麼英國曾將一百萬冊圖書埋在地下??

Summary Conclusion: I asked myself all these questions above and one led to another and I began digging and then right after Haarp did its thing, it began to rain and get cold like never before here during the day. Nights were always cold. In Colorado, in the southwest corner of the state, during the summer we get rain every day but that did not happen here this summer. Then in the Fall, we always have clear weather and very little moisture with hot days and cold nights. After Haarp, and after a dry summer, we had rain and rain and rain with no break and today we have and had snow like you would not believe. It just doesn't happen this early. So I began to think about all the other questions you see above and VOILA, THIS BELOW CAME TO MIND. I remembered posting this back then. And finally all of it fit together. I have to tell you, this is strictly my unsubstantiated brain child... so read it and take it for what its worth. Its the only thing that fits and gives answers to all those questions that I had. But that is all I can assure you of at this point. Read it and take it for what its worth.

The Below was Originally posted September 8, 2010
Vatic Note: This came in around the same time as the other geographic anomolies were beginning to really show themselves or at least start being reported by the press. As many of us know, there has been a 'cooling' of our summer this year and some regions of the planet are experiencing a decided cooling (70 degrees when its normally 90 degrees) however very little rain as usual especially in Colorado.

They are using the Gulf dead No Atlantic current as the excuse and yet we had hurricanes following that current or it would never have gone up that way, so there is still a current, however HAARP CAN SPLIT AND HOLD THE JET STREAM and create these same conditions they are blaming on the sea current. It is easier to deflect responsibility for this manipulation to reduce population than it is for them to justify using HAARP intentionally to murder billions of people.

The Brass check TV has Gates announcing right up front, the need to reduce the population and remember, HE FUNDED WITH ROCKEFELLER THE SEED BANK IN THE ARCTIC and given this movie announcing just such an event well in advance, and the reason for it as well, then we know who did this and how. Its a major death penalty crime for doing what they are doing.....It would be good to check trading and market activity as they usually do before any major events occur that they cause. We have to make decisions about justice and integrity. Its an endangered species right now unless we do it. At least we finally know who. Or maybe they are simply taking advantage of the Planet X event coming. Who knows, but if its something we can stop, such as HAARP, then we should try.

Is "The Day After Tomorrow" Happening Today -- Ice Age Imminent?
Jeffrey Green, Sept 3, 2010
Activist Post

In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, the North Atlantic Current essentially shuts down, which prevents warm equatorial waters from reaching Northern Europe and Northeast United States. (VN: Does this sound familiar? The Gulf ring a bell and it was told to us in a movie, well in advance? Remember the same thing happened with the "Knowing" where they showed the gulf blow out of oil? Who runs the movie industry? Need I say more? So when are we going to take a stand and stop these people?)The result is an immediate climate shift into an Ice Age. For dramatic cinematic effect the Ice Age unfolds rapidly with a massive storm. Indeed, there is evidence that some Ice Ages in history did occur nearly overnight due to cataclysmic events like the oceans conveyor belts grinding to a halt -- animals and cavemen were frozen nearly in an instant.

On August 29th, Lord Stirling issued a scary report warning that, "The North Atlantic Current is gone." We were hesitant to post the article before checking with sources to confirm its validity. After such research, many of the claims that Lord Stirling makes do indeed have some scientific evidence behind them. However, his claims that the North Atlantic Current is "gone," and that the cause is primarily the Gulf oil disaster and subsequent dispersant spraying, are slightly premature. Despite these assumptions, Stirling's report has enough supporting evidence to cause alarm:

The NutriMedical Report and LiveStream.com/TheNutriMedicalReportShow updates, final proof was provided that the Gulf Stream had been stopped cold at the 47th longitudinal parallel with a 10 degree Celsius ocean temperature drop, and loss of velocity and energy, so that the Gulf Stream was only able to be measured by satellite to less than one-third the way across the Atlantic ocean.

As Dr. Zangari stated, this is not the butterfly effect but the "elephant effect;" and with the amount of oil released, the natural system (the pacemaker of world climate for millions of years) was now gone, replaced by an artificial system, that has caused the Gulf of Mexico to be seven degrees Celsius above normal by late July. Additionally, this has totally disconnected the Loop Current from the Florida current which becomes the Gulf Stream.

In his report on June 12th, 2010 in a journal article, the CCAR Colorado data agreed with the NOAA and US Naval Satellites data:

This live satellite data map later altered on the CCAR servers, and he emailed that this was 'to falsify' and he could not explain this fact logically. He returned to NOAA and US Naval data on the same and later dates and stated by early August that the CCAR data was no longer reliable and his conclusions was not changed in quality or quantity of the serious consequences. His conclusion that 'glaciation' at an unknown pace was inevitable from this disaster.

Dr. Zangari reported that the effect of the Gulf oil spill, and the use of dispersants to sink the oil, will cause the Gulf's Loop Current to die, which will have a "chain reaction" on slowing the greater Thermohaline Circulation System:

'As displayed by both by the sea surface maps and the sea surface height maps, the Loop Current broke down for the first time around May 18th and generated a clock wise eddy, which is still active. As of today the situation has deteriorated up to the point in which the eddy has detached itself completely from the main stream therefore destroying completely the Loop Current . . .'

'It is reasonable to foresee the threat that the breaking of [such] a crucial warm stream as the Loop Current may generate a chain reaction of unpredictable critical phenomena and instabilities due to strong non-linearities which may have serious consequences on the dynamics of the Gulf Stream thermoregulation activity of the Global Climate.' —Dr. Gianluigi Zangari,

This report was swept under the rug along with all other studies showing the true damage from the politically-managed cover-up of the oil disaster. However, there are now very unusual record cold snaps and snow happening, just days after Stirling's report. Here are a just a few reports of strange cold weather since the Gulf spill:

-Snow in Brazil August 5th, 2010
-Norway experienced a half a meter of snow on August 29th.
-Russia, just a month removed from scorching record heat, also had unusually early snowfall.
-Australia recorded the coldest August in 35 years.
-South America experienced record cold this winter resulting in millions of fish and other wild life dying off.
-Even Los Angeles had the coldest summer days on record prompting the July LA Times headline "What Summer?" And on September 1st the National Weather Service reported, "DAILY RECORD LOW -MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES WERE SET OR TIED AT LOS ANGELES AIRPORT ON 16 DAYS IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2010."

Stirling also includes some compelling imagery in his report:

Normal Gulf Stream velocity from September 2004

Weakened Gulf Stream velocity August 22nd 2010

Other climatologists confirm that the consequences of such a breach in the Gulf Stream would result in a massive climate change, "Dr. Mike Coffman PhD geologist resource climatologist, and Dr. Tim Ball PhD climatologist have confirmed that if this data is correct, that an ice age and massive climate shift with famine is now imminent."

And climatologist Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D., reported NASA's Global Sea Surface Temperature as "Still Cooling" where he posts the temperature data chart along with this commentary: (VN: Just keep remembering the various "Global Warming" scam scientists who did this very kind of "verification" of truth and it turned out to be bogus)

'The following plot, updated through yesterday (August 18, 2010) reveals the global average SSTs continue to cool, while the Nino34 region of the tropical east Pacific remains well below normal.'

Curiously, an alarming August 25th article by an AccuWeather meteorologist Joe Bastardi was pulled from the AccuWeather website and replaced by a short statement by Bastardi admitting he was wrong. Thankfully, many other websites posted the highlights of his original predictions:

25 Aug 10 - Although Northern Hemisphere LAND MASSES had their hottest May-July on record, says meteorologist Joe Bastardi, the globe as a whole did not.

The warmth ON LAND is a by-product of the years of warm Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Niño, says Bastardi. The land kept warming after the water began to cool. It's 'sort of like high tide in back bay occurring after it had occurred on the beach (oceans) and the tide is about to go out.'

'If one uses common sense, one would understand that land masses with warm water next to them for years would warm greatly,' says Bastardi.

Southern Hemisphere sea ice now approaching record high levels.

However, 'the expansion of the Southern Hemisphere sea ice, now approaching record high levels, ought to tell you something about the oceans immediately around the sea ice,' says Bastardi. This large mass of water is cooling and has cooled most dramatically in the area where it is warmest (the tropical pacific).

'We see drastic cooling over land and IN THE ATLANTIC TOO. In fact, it basically keeps cooling the tropical Pacific into next year, then hammers away at the two areas warmest now - the Atlantic and the continents.'

While Bastardi and his mainstream employers want us to believe he was wrong about the record cooling, the evidence seems to prove his predictions were indeed spot on. However, it remains to be seen if Lord Stirling's dire concluding predictions will soon come true:

The 'process' of entering a new Ice Age could begin coming upon us in full force (rather like in the movie The Day After Tomorrow) at any time, or it could take three to five years to fully play out with early glaciation beginning in North America and Europe and Asia this winter (both models have existed in the beginnings of different Ice Ages in Earth's past).






新聞警報! Dutchsince 的帳戶被YouTube關閉!

Dutchsince 頻道恢復 - 感謝許多人的支持

警報: 美國多地及德國Meteox 出現HAARP環; Dutchsinse被和諧了?!
