'Iran to enrich uranium to 20%'
Sat, 12 Jun 2010 02:19:13 GMT

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has dismissed the UN Security Council's sanctions resolution against Iran and announced that Iran plans to enrich uranium to 20 percent.
“We presented a nuclear fuel exchange agreement to walk on the path of cooperation with the International community, not to confront other nations,” Ahmadinejad told an ISNA reporter at a press conference in Shanghai on Friday.
“Iran will provide the 20 percent enriched fuel it needs,” he added.
Ahmadinejad said the new UN sanctions against Tehran "deliver a death blow to the Security Council and US President Barack Obama."
The Iranian president made the remarks after attending events for Iran Day at the World Expo in the Chinese port city of Shanghai.
The foreign ministers of Iran, Turkey, and Brazil signed a declaration in Tehran on May 17, according to which Iran would ship 1200 kilograms of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey to be exchanged for 120 kilograms of 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel rods to power the Tehran research reactor, which produces radioisotopes for cancer treatment.
The nuclear declaration gives Iran a guarantee since the low-enriched uranium is to be stored in Turkey and would be returned if Iran does not receive the 20 percent enriched nuclear fuel within one year.
Despite the fact that Iran agreed to conduct the fuel swap in a third country — a demand by the West that Iran had previously rejected due to guarantee concerns — on June 9 the UN Security Council passed a resolution imposing new sanctions on Iran.
Ahmadinejad said the punitive measures show the UN Security Council has a tyrannical structure and does not represent belong to all nations.