


Release of Smolensk plane crash transcript fuels speculation
Wednesday, 02 June 2010 11:16

The Polish government’s release of the transcript of the voice recorder of the plane that crashed in April killing Poland’s president and many top officials has failed to address many of the key questions surrounding the crash, prompting the brother of the dead president Jaroslaw Kaczynski to call for the black boxes to be released.
The server hosting the 41-page transcript crashed because so many people tried to download a copy when it was released.
Polskaweb reports that 220,000 downloads were made before the sever went down for the first time.
A recent poll showed that 64% of the people in Poland believe the crash was engineered, and the delayed release of the transcript – and after Russian investigators refused to hand over the black boxes -- will do little to end growing speculation about the cause of the disaster or to dispel doubts over the investigation by Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Defense Minister Edmund Klich, who concluded within a few hours of the crash that it was caused by pilot error.
最近的一項民意調查顯示,64%的波蘭人相信墜毀是被設計,和談話被延遲釋放 - 和在俄羅斯調查員拒絕交出黑匣子後 - 將無助於結束增加的猜測關於災難的原因,或對總理圖斯克和國防部長埃德蒙Klich的偵查釋疑,他們在幾個小時內結論墜毁是由於飛行員失誤所致。
According to the transcript released by the government, the pilot of the doomed plane offered to try landing in spite of fog.

„You can see something. Maybe there won’t be a tragedy," the transcript claims the pilot said.


The fact that the Polish airforce pilot Arkadiusz Protasiuk was prohibited by regulations from trying to land if there was fog is not addressed by the probe.

The transcript also suggests the pilot continued to descend from about 650 feet while the plane’s Terrain Awareness and Warning System delivered the commands “pull up, pull up” and “terrain ahead“ for a minute.

It is not clear why the pilot ignored these warnings from the TAWS. The issue is also not addressed by the probe.

Further, the transcript suggests the pilot kept flying into the fog inspite of the TAWS system’s loud warnings without any remarks on this fact until the plane hit trees. The last words on the recording are screams.

The New York Times offers as an explanation for why the pilot „may have had reason to ignore it, because the system’s manufacturer, United Avionics, said that most Russian airports, including the airport at Smolensk, where the plane was trying to land, are not in its database, so the device may give “nuisance alerts.” „

But what is the point of having the TAWS switched on if it gives „nuisance alerts“? Why no discussion about whether it was a nuisance alert or not?

Again, no explanation is offered for this amazing fact.

The number of people who died in the crash has changed several times, but the government finally settled on 96 people in spite of the fact a flight plan has to show how many people are on board before any plane takes off. Among the dead were Poland’s top army officers, its security chief the head of its central bank and dozens of other top officials.

According to the official version, all these key government figures are supposed to have been on the plane together in violation of security protocols and without any journalists because there were no seats left over but the Tupolev 152 has between 144 and 152 passenger seats.

These are just some of the multitude of irregularities associated with the crash that the Russian and Polish probe has failed to address, some of which are mentioned by the Aviation Herald in a report.


Also, a video clip showing the survivors of the plane being shot has been owned by so many people, it is not clear who shot the clip.

A German avaiation expert Hans Dodel has said the plane crash was engineered also by means of meaconing, according to Polskaweb

In a mark of protest, Jaroslw Kaczynski boycotted the meeting on Tuesday of the National Security Council, where the recordings were first presented.

In spite of dubious polls, Kaczynski is expected to win the upcoming election on the back of dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the plane crash investigation and the recent floods, where about 20 people died.


(商台)2010年6月1日 星期二 22:58
波蘭 已故總統卡欽斯基等軍政要員,四月乘坐總統專機,在俄羅斯 斯摩棱斯克墜毀喪生的事故,波蘭政府分析飛行黑盒後,公布出事總統專機駕駛室撞機前的錄音講話,顯示專機墜毀前十六分鐘,俄羅斯地面控制塔知會機師,當地大霧,不宜降落,機師則表示,會嘗著落,到墜機前一分鐘,專機預警系統十多度發出警報,提醒機師要將飛機升高。







(商台)2010年6月1日 星期二 03:43
俄羅斯 將上月初墜毀波蘭 總統專機的飛行記錄儀錄音複製本,交給波蘭,以協助波蘭調查。兩國官員在莫斯科 簽署有關協議,俄羅斯副總理伊萬諾夫說,移交錄音拷貝,並不代表結束調查,俄方會繼續保留原本的飛行記錄儀錄音,直至完成調查。

事發在上月十日,波蘭總統卡欽斯基率領軍政高層,到俄羅斯的斯摩棱斯克出席二次大戰 悼念活動,但專機降落時墜毀,他同機上另外九十五人,全部遇難。波蘭下月二十日會舉行總統大選。
