世三戰 (伊朗制裁或攻擊)劇本 由韋伯斯特塔普利 - 停止這荒謬的
Report: Two Iranian ships to sail to Gaza
The Iranian Red Crescent decided to send the vessels, which will carry food, medications, and medical equipment, following a meeting with the foreign ministry.
By Haaretz Service
Published 10:14 07.06.10
Latest update 10:14 07.06.10
Iranian aid ships are due to set sail to Gaza by the end of the week, according to a report in the Sunday Times.

伊朗革命衛隊願提供貨船護送,試圖打破以色列的加沙封鎖。 攝影:美聯社
“One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week,” Iranian Red Crescent director Abdolrauf Adibzadeh told the IRNA news agency.
On Sunday, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.
"Iran's Revolutionary Guards naval forces are fully prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities," Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's representative inside the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.
Israel Navy commandos last Monday killed nine activists in clashes on board the Turkish-flagged Mavi Marmara in a convoy trying to deliver aid to Gaza. The incident sparked international outrage, especially in Muslim countries and in Turkey, which threatened to cut its long-standing ties with Israel.
Israeli troops boarded another ship on Saturday and pro-Palestinian activists have promised more as they challenge the blockade imposed four years ago with the stated aim of stopping arms getting to Hamas.
Iran's navy offers to escort Gaza ships
Official: Elite Revolutionary Guards are prepared to intervene
updated 9:15 a.m. ET June 6, 2010
TEHRAN - Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza, a representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday.
"Iran's Revolutionary Guards naval forces are fully prepared to escort the peace and freedom convoys to Gaza with all their powers and capabilities," Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's representative inside the Revolutionary Guards, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Mehr news agency.
Any intervention by the Iranian military would be considered highly provocative by Israel which accuses Iran of supplying weapons to Hamas, the Islamist movement which rules Gaza.....
(明報)2010年6月7日 星期一 14:15
(法新社)2010年6月2日 星期三 13:35
(法新社德黑蘭 1日電) 伊朗 總統艾馬丹加(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)今天表示,伊朗掌握到的精確情報顯示,以色列 對載運援助物資的船隊發動致命突擊後,正計畫對加薩(Gaza)發動「大規模攻擊」。
在伊朗西部城市伊拉木 (Ilam)一場國營電視台實況轉播的公開講話中,艾馬丹加說:「我們有精確情報,以色列計劃大規模攻擊加薩,以彌補他們過去的失敗。」
他告訴情緒激昂的群眾,「這次如果你們支持猶太政權罪行,地區國家的憤怒,將不只侷限在巴勒斯坦 邊界,也將對你們和那些犯罪同謀者進行審判。」
艾馬丹加抨擊說,對以色列突擊加薩援助船隊一事,華盛頓 採取「軟弱立場」。
他說:「美國 政府採取一種非常軟弱且偏見的立場。不但沒有譴責,說話還含糊曖昧,試圖規避。」他表示,若干歐洲國家則採取了「良好」立場。(譯者:中央社郭傳信)