Corruption scandal rocks the Vatican
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 01:24:01 GMT

那不勒斯大主教的紅衣主教 Sepe
Corruption scandal gripping the Italian government has crept into the Vatican as a senior cardinal and a former minister come under probe for fraud.
Hardly has the dust settled over the sex scandal in the Catholic Church hierarchy that a new report shows Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe and Pietro Lunardi, a former infrastructure and transport minister have been implicated for aggravated corruption, The Independent newspaper reported on Monday.
天主教會性醜聞的塵埃仍未落定,一份新報告顯示紅衣主教 Crescenzio Sepe 和前基礎設施和運輸部長彼得羅 Lunardi,已被牽連在嚴重貪污,週一的獨立報紙報導。
Magistrates in Perugia have launched criminal investigations into the case, citing documents that indicate Cardinal Sepe, 67, previously running a department of the Vatican that controls finances for missions abroad, had allegedly colluded with Lunardi over a real estate deal.
佩魯賈裁判官已展開刑事調查案件,引用文件指出67歲的紅衣主教Sepe,之前管治梵蒂岡的一個部門,控制國外任務的財政,已涉嫌與 Lunardi 在一宗房地產交易中串通。
Cardinal Sepe, the archbishop of Naples who is regarded as one of the most high-ranking cardinals in Italy, moved to Naples after he left the department in 2006.
那不勒斯大主教紅衣主教 Sepe,在義大利被認為是最高級數的主教之一,當他在 2006 年離開部門後,他遷往那不勒斯。
The Vatican said in a statement that it hoped the situation "could be cleared up fully and rapidly in order to eliminate any shadows, be they on the person or Church institutions".
The revelation comes as the center-right government of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, is embroiled in corruption scandals involving prominent politicians.
The Catholic Church is also under fire over its handling of pedophile priests in Europe and the Americas.