

懷疑全球變暖如何在上升 在'大冰凍'冬天和電郵爭嗌後

懷疑全球變暖如何在上升 在'大冰凍'冬天和電郵爭嗌後
How doubts about global warming are on the rise after 'big freeze' winter and emails row
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 8:51 AM on 11th June 2010

Going cold on global warming: A survey reveals that more Britons feel global warming figures are being exaggerated

Global warming scepticism is rising, a major poll shows.
It found that 78 per cent of Britons believed the world's climate was changing, compared to 91 per cent five years ago.
Researchers said the growing doubts had been fuelled by the coldest winter in three decades and the row over leaked emails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit.
These appeared to show that scientists manipulated data on temperature records, although two inquiries ruled out malpractice.
The Ipsos Mori survey of 1,822 people for Cardiff University found 40 per cent believed the seriousness of global warming was exaggerated.
為卡迪夫大學做的Ipsos MORI調查中的1,822人,發現百分之四十認為全球變暖的嚴重性被誇大。
But the vast majority believed in climate change and that human activity was to blame.
Only 18 per cent thought it was mainly or entirely caused by natural processes.
Almost two-thirds would be willing to cut their energy use to help tackle the problem, and 40 per cent would pay significantly more for energy-efficient products.
Professor Nick Pidgeon, of Cardiff University's school of psychology, said the fall in belief in climate change could be down to people's 'finite pool of worry' and greater concern with the financial crisis.
He added: 'The short-term effects are more obvious - the emails and the fact we had a very cold winter - and people think "where is global warming when we're sitting here in 3ft of snow?".'


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