North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
By Stephanie Nebehay–
Thu Jun 3, 12:33 pm ET

法新社/文件 - 一名朝鮮士兵在南部停戰村板門店的非軍事不斷看過界 ...
GENEVA (Reuters) – A North Korean envoy said on Thursday that war could erupt at any time on the divided Korean peninsula because of tension with Seoul over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March.
日內瓦(路透社) - 一名朝鮮特使在週四表示,在分裂的朝鮮半島戰爭隨時可能爆發,因為與漢城的緊張局勢,在一艘韓國軍艦於3月份下沉後。
"The present situation of the Korean peninsula is so grave that a war may break out any moment," Ri Jang Gon, North Korea's deputy ambassador in Geneva, told the United Nations-sponsored Conference on Disarmament.
“目前朝鮮半島局勢是非常嚴峻的,戰爭隨時可能爆發,”朝鮮駐聯合國副大使Ri Jang Gon在日內瓦告訴聯合國贊助的裁軍談判會議。
North Korea's troops were on "full alert and readiness to promptly react to any retaliation," including the scenario of all-out war, he told the forum.
Ri, departing from his prepared remarks, said that only the conclusion of a peace treaty between the two countries would lead to the "successful denuclearization" of the peninsula. The 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice but no formal peace treaty.
Communist North Korea, hit with U.N. sanctions after testing nuclear devices in 2006 and 2009, is still under international pressure to dismantle its nuclear programme.
Ri repeated Pyongyang's assertion that North Korea had nothing to do with the sinking of the Cheonan warship which killed 46 sailors -- the deadliest military incident since the Korean War.
South Korea has accused North Korea of firing a torpedo at the vessel and said it will bring the case to the U.N. Security Council. A report by international investigators last month also accused North Korea of torpedoing the vessel.
Ri accused South Korea of trying to create a shocking incident in order to ignite a campaign against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), North Korea's official name.
South Korean ambassador Im Han-taek took the floor at the Geneva forum to voice regret at Ri's remarks, adding: "We believe it is only for propaganda purposes."
U.S. disarmament ambassador Laura Kennedy also rejected Ri's accusations that Washington had backed Seoul in "groundlessly" blaming the sinking on a North Korean submarine.
"I agree that the situation on the Korean peninsula is very grave but I disagree with the statement made and reject those allegations against my country," Kennedy said.
"The investigation carried out was scrupulous and painstaking and we certainly accept without doubt the results which clearly indicated where the blame lay," she added.
(Editing by Jonathan Lynn and Angus MacSwan)
(商台)2010年6月5日 星期六 13:53
南韓 總統李明博說,南韓會強硬對抗北韓 作出的損害和平行為。他在新加坡 出席亞洲安全會議時,同商界人士會面,向他們保證朝鮮半島不會爆發戰爭,呼籲他們繼續投資。南韓深夜正式天安號沉沒事件,提交聯合國 安理會討論,預料包括中國在內的安理會成員國代表,星期一早上開會商議。
美國 國防部長蓋茨說,天安號被擊沉並非個別事件,是北韓挑釁及魯莽行為的一部分,認為亞洲國家應合力應對。蓋茨說,事件並非反映美軍在太平洋地區,為盟友提供的安全保障不足,強調美國會深化同區內盟友的關係。