Approaching space object 'artificial, not asteroid' says NASA
Too small for a proper mothership at ~10m, though
By Lewis Page • Get more from this author
Posted in Space,
28th May 2010 10:47 GMT
NASA boffins report that an unknown object approaching the Earth from deep space is almost certainly artificial in origin rather than being an asteroid.
Not actually an asteroid, according to NASA, but artificial.
Object 2010 KQ was detected by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona earlier this month, and subsequently tracked by NASA's asteroid-watching service, the Near-Earth Object Program headquartered at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.
According to the NASA experts:
Observations by astronomer S J Bus, using the NASA-sponsored Infrared Telescope Facility in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, indicate that 2010 KQ's spectral characteristics do not match any of the known asteroid types, and the object's absolute magnitude (28.9) suggests it is only a few meters in size.
天文學家S J巴士的觀測,使用NASA贊助在夏威夷莫納克亞山的紅外線望遠鏡設施,指出2010KQ的光譜特性不匹配任何已知的小行星類型,和物體的絕對星等(28.9)堤出,它是只有數米大小。
The mysterious artificial object has apparently made a close pass by the Earth, coming in almost to the distance of the Moon's orbit, and is now headed away again into the interplanetary void. The object has used no propulsion during the time NASA has had it under observation. However the spacewatch boffins believe that it must have moved under its own power at some point, given its position and velocity.
"The orbit of this object is very similar to that of the Earth, and one would not expect a [naturally occurring] object to remain in this type of orbit for very long," said Paul Chodas, a brainbox at JPL.
“這物體的軌跡是與地球非常相似,一個人不會期望一件 [自然地發生]物體,仍然逗留在這種軌跡非常長久,”保羅 Chodas說,一位噴氣推進實驗室的智囊。
The experts believe that the object must be a spacecraft, or more accurately part of one - sadly not an alien visitor, though. Rather it's likely to be a booster stage from an interplanetary mission of the past, now drifting back in to Earth and out again. The next visit will probably be 2036, at which time there's a small chance that 2010 KQ will crash into the atmosphere and burn up. ®
專家們相信物體是一艘航天器,或更正確地一艘的部分 - 雖然可惜不是一外星人訪客。相反,它可能為過去的星際任務的一個助推器層,現在漂流回到地球和再次走出。下一次的訪問將可能會 是2036年,在那時有一很小的機會,2010KQ將會墜入大氣層並燒毀。 ®