

圖 - 16歲以上祇58%的美國人有一份工作

圖 - 16歲以上祇58%的美國人有一份工作
Translation by Autumnson Blog
CHART - Just 58% Of Americans Over 16 Have A Job
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The U.S. labor force is shrinking, as more Americans are giving up hope. Last month, only 58.1% of Americans age 16 and over were employed, a significant drop from before the recession and the lowest since 1983.
紐約(CNNMoney) - 美國勞動力在萎縮,因為更多的美國人放棄希望。上個月,只有58.1%的16歲及以上美國人受僱,由經濟衰退前的顯著下降,及是自1983年以來的最低。
That's especially worrisome to economists, who say a steady increase in those dropping out of the work force and not being counted in the unemployment rate is disguising just how bad the labor market really is.
"People are dropping out of labor force for all types of reasons," said Robert Brusca of FAO Economics. "And it's not a good trend. A good part of the wealth of a nation has to do with the proportion of population that works."

Celente - 官方失業率是一'官式的'謊話
