

瘋狂的黑種希伯來以色列人- 在街頭散播仇恨 - 合輯


瘋狂的黑種希伯來以色列人- 在街頭散播仇恨 - 合輯

The Mainstream Media has been largely silent about the group of Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI), who were engaging in their typical, confrontational, hate-filled “street ministry” in DC on January 18th. Their disgusting, racist taunts formed the backdrop of the viral video of MAGA teens from Covington Catholic High School and from everything I’ve seen of the footage, it appears that the vile attitudes of the BHI were wrongly transferred to the Kentucky kids and ascribed to the latter.

If you don’t live in a big city, you’d likely never previously heard of the Black Hebrew Israelites, let alone seen their insane behavior, so here is a compilation I found. In this age of PC, the taunts seen here almost seem like a comedy routine and I actually began to howl with laughter, as I transcribed their surreal insults, below. If these misguided souls weren’t so serious, this might be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

I directed rap videos in the 1990s and some artists who I worked with back in the day espoused similar views, which are shared by members of the Nation of Islam, the Five-Percenters and related “Islamic” Black Supremacist splinter groups. The BHI believe that they are descendants of the Biblical Hebrews, whereas Africans (whom the BHI hate) are called “Hamites”, Caucasians are called “Edomites”, East Asians are “Moabites”. Non-BHI males of any race are called “niggers”, females are called “bitches”, “hos” and “freaks”, all whites are called “cave beasts” and they are “leprous”. I’m sorry, I had to laugh when I wrote that.

This video was shot in downtown San Francisco by members of the BHI, who are equal-opportunity haters, unleashing it upon: “you stupid-ass Persian bitches,” “dumb-ass, Tonto-ass Native Americans,” “fat-ass Samoans,” “f*ckin’ Mexican faggots,” “curry-sh*tting, coolie, towel-head faggots,” “damned Aborigine-ass that be roamin’ the desert, playing the damned didgeridoo, eatin’ lizards ‘n sh*t,” “all you so-called white women, you gonna get brutally raped out here,” “little ugly cave beast,” “all you so-called white people, you the devil, alright?” “death to Gooks!” “Have your last days of enjoying America, alright? The MOSSAD’s gonna put yo ass in slavery and gonna use us to do it! You little red punks! That’s according to the Bible! There’s about to be 144,000 Nat Turners arisen up, alright? There’s gonna be killin’ white people – babies included – and any o’ you so-called black people, if you ain’t wit’ it, you gonna get yo head chopped off – wit’ yo weave on it!”

I think humor and non-engagement are the appropriate responses to this insane anger and also an awareness and a sympathy for the fact that the trauma of 400 years of institutionalized racism is real and it’s still working itself out in the fevered minds of these people. We should not be tricked into anger at them and we should hope and pray that they may one day find peace and love.

The Mainstream Media, on the other hand, until they completely retract and apologize for their libelous claims that have put the lives of innocent kids in danger, the same forgiveness should not be granted to them.

The operation to smear these boys stinks to high heaven. Racial supremacist beliefs have been falsely ascribed to the Covington High School boys, who had likely never imagined that such crazies as the Black Hebrew Israelites and the outrage culture-grifter, Nathan Phillips even existed – let alone that they could ever become the innocent victims of an unconscionable and unforgivable high tech lynching that continues to be perpetrated against them by a Liberal media that will not tolerate MAGA hats.

This is how our cold civil war is being waged – until it goes hot.

