


China, India Greedy for Gold

Jun. 4 – Ever-soaring prices for gold did little to dent strong demand for jewelry in China and India during the first quarter as industry experts appeared confident in the yellow metal’s potential for growth throughout the shaky economic terrain of 2010.
6月4日 - 不斷飆升的黃金價格在第一季,絲毫沒有削弱在中國和印度對珠寶的強勁需求,正如行業的專家似乎對黃色金屬的增長潛力有信心,穿越整個經濟不穩定地域的2010年。
“The diversity of demand for gold, both by sector and geography ensures that the outlook for gold remains strong for the remainder of 2010,” said Aram Shishmanian, CEO of the World Gold Council, in a May 26 press release.
“黃金需求的多樣性,由行業和地理兩者確保了黃金在其餘的 2010年的前景依然強勁,”世界黃金協會的行政總裁亞蘭 Shishmanian在5月26日的新聞稿表示。
“Despite increasing gold prices, consumers in China and India will continue to drive market growth, particularly in jewelry,” he added.
Gold prices averaged US$1,109.1 in the first quarter, a 22 percent year on year increase. Prices struck a record high US$1,248.9 in mid-May, when investors ditched the euro to seek the relative safety of gold following Europe’s sovereign debt crisis.

Consumers in both India and China seemed nonplussed by the record high prices.

During the first quarter, Indian consumer demand surged 698 percent to 193.5 tons. Chinese demand was more modest, rising 11 percent to 105.2 tons in the same period of time.

The first four months of the year typically show a spike in demand for gold jewelry in both countries, as the Indian spring wedding season and the Chinese New Year spur consumption.

India is the largest consumer of gold in the world, accounting for 25 percent of total jewelry sold and 19 percent net retail investment demand in 2009.

China is the world’s largest producer of gold and second largest consumer, although its per capita consumption is quite low compared to India.


世界黃金協會:中印需求勁 產量持續跌
(明報)2010年6月20日 星期日 05:10
【明報專訊】金價迭創新高,一方面是因為來自中國、印度 的消費需求強勁,另一方面是因為歐債危機令到黃金作為避險工具的需求不斷上升。世界黃金協會上月底發出的季度報告指出,雖然金價大漲,但截至今年3月底止年度,印度及中國對黃金的消費者需求,仍按年升19%及13%,至748噸及453噸。中國今年首季的黃金需求亦節節上升(圖)。



但協會在上月底發表的報告已指出,希臘 主權債危機正在歐洲擴散,對金條及黃金ETF的需求在第2季將會上升。

至於供應方面,非洲 及中國的金礦企業或會因為金價創新高而增產,但即時能投產的金礦不多,加上澳洲 提高金礦稅,減低當地金礦增產意欲,黃金產量持續減少的趨勢不會改變。

為什麼中國在推廣黃金投資 如果人民幣將要升值?

