The Extraordinary Tale of Red Rain, Comets and Extraterrestrials
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
For years, claims have circulated that red rain which fell in India in 2001, contained cells unlike any found on Earth. Now new evidence that these cells can reproduce is about to set the debate alive.
多年來已經有流傳的聲稱, 在2001年落於印度的紅雨,載有不像任何在地球上發現的細胞。現在新證據表明,這些細胞能重新生產,正要準備辯論重活。

胚種論是生命存在於整個宇宙中的彗星、小行星和星際塵埃雲的想法,和地球的生命是從一個或多個這些來源的播種。 胚種論認為,我們都是外星人。
While this is certainly not a mainstream idea in science, a growing body of evidence suggests that it should be carefully studied rather than casually disregarded.
For example, various bugs have been shown to survive for months or even years in the harsh conditions of space. And one of the more interesting but lesser known facts about the Mars meteorite that some scientists believe holds evidence of life on Mars, is that its interior never rose above 50 degrees centigrade, despite being blasted from the Martian surface by an meteor impact and surviving a fiery a descent through Earth's thick atmosphere.
例如,多種昆蟲已被證明能夠在艱苦的空間條件下存活數月甚至數年。而其中一些較有趣但鮮為人知關於火星隕石的事實,即一些科學家相信有生命的證據在火星上,即如它的內部永不上升高於 50度攝氏,儘管從火星表面被一個流星撞擊炸毀,並能通過地球的濃厚大氣層在火一般的襲擊倖存。
If there is life up there, this evidence suggests that it could survive the trip to Earth.
All that seems well established. Now for the really controversial stuff.
In 2001, numerous people observed red rain falling over Kerala in the southern tip of India during a two month period. One of them was Godfrey Louis, a physicist at nearby Cochin University of Science and Technology. Intrigued by this phenomena, Louis collected numerous samples of red rain, determined to find out what was causing the contamination, perhsand or dust from some distant desert.
Under a microscope, however, he found no evidence of sand or dust. Instead, the rain water was filled with red cells that look remarkably like conventional bugs on Earth. What was strange was that Louis found no evidence of DNA in these cells which would rule out most kinds of known biological cells (red blood cells are one possibility but ought to be destroyed quickly by rain water).
Louis published his results in the peer-reviewed journal Astrophysics and Space in 2006, along with the tentative suggestion that the cells could be extraterrestrial, perhaps from a comet that had disintegrated in the upper atmosphere and then seeded clouds as the cells floated down to Earth. In fact, Louis says there were reports in the region of a sonic boom-type noise at the time, which could have been caused by the disintegration of an object in the upper atmosphere.
Since then, Louis has continued to study the cells with an international team including Chandra Wickramasinghe from the University of Cardiff in the UK and one of the leading proponents of the panspermia theory, which he developed in the latter half of the 20th century with the remarkable physicist Fred Hoyle.
Today Louis, Wickramasinghe and others publish some extraordinary claims about these red cells. They say that the cells clearly reproduce at a temperature of 121 degrees C. "Under these conditions daughter cells appear within the original mother cells and the number of cells in the samples increases with length of exposure to 121 degrees C," they say. By contrast, the cells are inert at room temperature.
今天路易斯、維克拉馬辛和其他人公佈一些關於這些紅色細胞的外星人宣稱;他們說細胞清楚地在一溫度攝氏 121度再繁殖,“在這些條件下,女兒細胞出現在原始母細胞,和樣本中的細胞數目增加暴露長度至攝氏 121度,”他們說。與此相反,細胞在室溫下是惰性的。
That makes them highly unusual, to say the least. The spores of some extremophiles can survive these kinds of temperatures and then reproduce at lower temperatures but nothing behaves like this at these temperatures, as far as we know.
This is an extraordinary claim that will need to be independently verified before it will be more broadly accepted.
And of course, this behaviour does not suggest an extraterrestrial origin for these cells, by any means.
However, Wickramasinghe and co can't resist hinting at such an exotic explanation. They've examined the way these fluoresce when bombarded with light and say it is remarkably similar to various unexplained emission spectra seen in various parts of the galaxy. One such place is the Red Rectangle, a cloud of dust and gas around a young star in the Monocerous constellation.
It would be fair to say that more evidence will be required before Kerala's red rain can be satisfactorily explained. In the meantime, it looks a fascinating mystery.
Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1008.4960: Growth And Replication Of Red Rain Cells At 121oC And Their Red Fluorescence
2001年7月,印度喀拉拉邦開始降下一場奇怪的紅雨。科學家提出了幾種不同的理論來解釋這種紅雨。有人認為,雨中可能含有沙漠塵土,也有人認為,雨中可能含有真菌孢子,還有兩名科學家甚至發表論文提出雨中含有流星顆粒的可能性。為了弄清真相,印度政府 ...
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