Darpa Wants Remote Controls to Master Troop MindsBy Katie Drummond
September 9, 2010

五角大樓的藍天研究部門要耍把戲在部隊的腦袋們,從規範警覺性和認知至痛苦治療和精神福祉的區域。和科學家們想要從外面做這一切 - 以一個小工具安裝在部隊的頭盔裡面。 “使用超聲遙控大腦活動,”國防部的軍事與科學博客的承諾。
It’s the latest out-there project in the military’s growing arsenal of brain-based research. In recent months alone, the Pentagon’s funded projects to optimize troop’s minds, prevent injuries and even preemptively assess cognitive ability and vulnerability to traumatic stress. Now, Darpa’s funding one lab that’s trying to do it all — from boosting troop smarts to preventing traumatic brain injuries.
它是軍隊以腦為基礎的研究的武庫的出邊最新項目。僅在最近幾個月,五角大樓已資助數個項目在優化部隊頭腦、防止受傷、甚至搶先甄別認知能力和脆弱性至創傷性壓力方面。現在,DARPA在資助一實驗室,那是在嘗試做齊這一切 - 從提高部隊智慧至防止創傷性腦損傷。
Arizona State University neuroscientist William Tyler has been working with funding from the Army Research Laboratory for years. That neurotechnology work has now caught the eye of Darpa, which awarded his lab a Young Faculty Award to improve upon non-invasive approaches to brain stimulation.
“When people ask what this kind of device could do, I ask them what their brain does for them,” Tyler tells Danger Room. “The brain serves all the functions of your body, and if you knew the neuroanatomy, then you can start to regulate each one of those functions.”
“當有人問這設備可做什麼,我反問他們的大腦為他們做什麼,”泰勒告訴危險室。 “大腦服務你身體的所有功能,及如果你知道神經解剖學,那麼你就能開始監管每一項那些功能。”
Already, scientists have devised cutting-edge brain stimulation methods to treat medical disorders, like Parkinson’s disease or severe depression. But current deep-brain approaches require invasive surgery to implant electrodes and batteries, and external ultrasound stimulation can’t penetrate “the deep brain circuits where many diseased circuits reside,” Tyler writes at Armed With Science.
Now, Tyler and his research team have created a “transcranial pulsed ultrasound” that’s able to stimulate a myriad of brain circuits from the outside in. The device has already proven capable of targeting deep brain regions, unlike existing methods. And it’s capable of zeroing in on extremely specific brain zones, as small as two or three millimeters. Plus, prototype devices are small enough to be fitted inside a typical helmet.
“Going deep beneath the skull and having extremely specific spatial resolution are two huge advantages over existing approaches,” Tyler says. “Depth and specificity are what allow the ultrasound to do what other methods can’t.”
With Darpa’s funding, Tyler plans to expand the uses of the ultrasound and improve the device’s spacial resolution even more, making it a veritable all-in-one brain stimulation device. Using a microcontroller device, the ultrasound would stimulate different brain regions to boost troop alertness and cognition, relieve stress and pain, and protect them against traumatic brain injuries.
“The really damaging part of a TBI isn’t the initial injury,” Tyler says. “It’s the metabolic damage, the free radicals and the swelling that are happening in the hours afterward. If you can flick your remote and trigger an immediate intervention, you’d be curbing what might otherwise be lifelong brain damage.”
Photo: U.S Air Force
DARPA的“PAL” - 邊做邊學的個人化助手
英軍推出新型飛行頭盔 可通過眼睛鎖定目標