


Japan PM warns of Greece-like debt crisis
Friday, 11 June 2010 09:09

Japan PM warns of Greece-like debt crisis

By MARI YAMAGUCHI (AP) – 1 hour ago

TOKYO — Japan's new prime minister warned Friday that his country could face a financial mess like the one that has crippled Greece if it did not deal urgently with its swelling national debt.
東京 - 日本新首相週五警告,他的國家可能會面對金融混亂,似已令希臘癱瘓那種,如果不緊急處理它膨脹的國家債務。

While Japan is on firmer financial footing than Greece because most of its debt is held domestically, Prime Minister Naoto Kan's blunt talk appeared designed to push forward his agenda, which may involve raising taxes.
Speaking in his first address to Parliament after taking office Tuesday, Kan said Japan, the world's second-largest economy, cannot continue to let government debt swell while state finances are under pressure from an aging and declining population.
在他週二上任後對議會的首份施政報告談及,菅說日本 - 世界第二大經濟體 - 不能繼續讓政府債務膨脹,而國家財政在人口老化和下降的壓力下。
"It is difficult to sustain a policy that relies too heavily on issuing debt. As we have seen with the financial confusion in the European community stemming from Greece, our finances could collapse if trust in national bonds is lost and growing national debt is left alone," he said.

Japan has the largest public debt among industrialized nations at 218.6 percent of its gross domestic product in 2009, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Kan, who became Japan's sixth prime minister in four years after a short stint as finance minister, promised his government would work closely with the Bank of Japan to avoid an increase in deflation and would focus on developing a "strong and comprehensive" policy.

Kan has said he will also consider raising taxes, an issue he said previous governments had been too timid to face. A social progressive and a fiscal hawk, Kan said he would announce further details of his economic growth plan later this month.

New Japanese PM warns of 'Greece-like' national debt crisis
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 10:54 AM on 11th June 2010

(明報)2010年6月11日 星期五 16:55
日本 首相菅直人今日任命國民新黨幹事長自見莊三郎為新郵政和金融事務擔當大臣。

由於國民新黨和民主黨 關於在國會通過郵政改革法案的承諾沒有如期兌現,國民新黨代表(黨魁)、前郵政和金融事務擔當大臣龜井靜香11日凌晨宣布辭職。



(新華社 )

(商台)2010年6月11日 星期五 13:22
日本 首相菅直人接納由國民新黨幹事長自見莊三郎,接替辭職的龜井靜香,出任金融郵政大臣。本身是國民新黨黨魁的龜井靜香,因為不滿民主黨 ,違反處理郵政改革法案的承諾,凌晨宣布辭職,但國民新黨仍會繼續留在執政聯盟。


國債數目巨大 日本人一出生即負債750萬日元
