USO's, Unidentified Submerged Objects ....

From the History Channel, January 2006:
'Deep Sea UFOs' Aired on Monday, January 23, 2006 at 8:00pm ET, Detailed examination of the little-known phenomenon of USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects, an advanced type of UFO that can operate just as efficiently in water as in the atmosphere. These supposed otherworldly vessels have been reported, some believe, as far back as ancient Egypt. Others believe that USOs were reported by Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus, [who allegedly was caught up in the Bermuda Triangle] and might have been seen in Atlantis.
'深海不明飛行物'在2006年1月23日週一東部時間下午8:00播出,詳細檢查鮮為人知的不明潛水物體現象(USO),一先進UFO種類,可以在水中有效地運作猶如在大氣中。這些假設是其它世界的船隻已被報告,有些人相信早至古埃及。有其他人認為,不明潛水物體 曾由亞歷山大大帝和哥倫布[他據稱陷入百慕大三角]報告,並有可能曾在亞特蘭蒂斯被見過。
Highlights of the show included the 1967 Shag Harbour Incident, a government-documented USO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, and a trip to the area around Laguna Cartegena in Puerto Rico, a reported hotbed of USO activity. Interviewees included the US Navy's Bruce Maccabee, UCLA's Kathryn Morgan, as well as USO and UFO experts Stanton Friedman, Bill Birnes, and Preston Dennett.
節目的精華包括1967年沙格港事件,一政府提供證明在加拿大Nova Scotia離岸的USO墜毀;和一個旅程往波多黎各海逸卡特蓋娜周邊地區,一USO活動舉報溫床。受訪者包括美國海軍的布魯斯 Maccabee,加州大學洛杉磯分校的凱瑟琳摩根,以及USO和UFO專家們斯坦頓弗里德曼、比爾 Birnes和普雷斯頓丹尼特。
In third dimension, the sci-fi drama series we consider our true reality at the moment, one would have to wonder about the agenda of aliens who live beneath the water, and yet we have come to realize that much is hidden from the public above, so why not below?

This goes to metaphors ::

consciousness frozen in time resurfacing in the sea of creation.
Think outside the [ice] box.
北極和南極 [轉移和合併],行星崩潰,

Fire and Ice, Moses and Consciousness, Water
40天在山中,40 =有意識的時間轉移和幾何
The sightings of UFOs traversing the ocean are not new. On June 18, 1845 according to the Malta Times (Malta is a group of islands in the Mediterranean south of Sicily. A British colony until 1964) "We find the brigantine Victoria some 900 miles east of Adalia, when her crew saw three luminous bodies emerge from the sea into the air. They were visible for ten minutes, flying a half mile from the ship." There were other witnesses who saw this same UFO phenomena from Adalia, Syria and Malta. The luminous bodies each displayed an apparent diameter larger than the size of the full moon.
On March 22, 1870, in the equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the sailors of the English corvette Lady of the Lake saw a lenticular cloud with a long tail advancing against the wind. This form was visible for an hour, wrote Captain F.W. Banner in the ship's log. The drawing by Banner in his log looked extraordinarily like a flying saucer.
There are thousands of these reported sightings, many with pictures as well. In addition there are reports of bases off the coast of different countries, such as northern South America; Puerto Rico; Russia; under the North Sea; Scotland; Patagonia Coast, Argentina; Azores Islands, Portugal; Spain; Canaries; Canada; Japan; USA; Dominican Republic; Spitzbergen, Norway; Newfoundland, among others.
July 1967, a Dutch multi-national businessman was contacted in the Oostscheld, below Amsterdam, by extraterrestrial beings who said they came from a place called Iarga, some 11 light years from our sun as we calculate distance. They were observing us from underwater and they allowed this man to visit the spacecraft in its underwater location. This is a very well documented case filling more than 400 pages of a book called UFO Contact From Planet Iarga.
Commander Graham Bethune, U.S. Navy (retired) was flying his military plane from Iceland to Newfoundland on February 10, 1951 when he saw a UFO coming out of the water. He was about 300 miles from his destination, when he and his crew saw a glow on the water like approaching a city at night. "As we approached this glow it turned to a monstrous circle of white lights on the water. Then we saw a yellow halo, small, much smaller than whatever it was launched from, about 15 miles away. As the UFO approached my plane and flew alongside it, we could see the domed craft which had a corona discharge."
A witness for the Disclosure Project, presented at the National Press Club on May 9, 2001 in Washington DC, was Dan Willis, U.S. Navy. He worked in the code room of the communication station in San Francisco. He received a priority message, classified as Secret, from a military ship near Alaska. The ship reported, emerging out of the ocean, near port bow, a brightly glowing, reddish-orange elliptical object approximately 70 feet in diameter. It shot out of the water traveling at about 700 mph. This event was tracked on the ships radar and substantiated.
There are many instances of sightings such as those, documented in the following books, UFO Contact from Undersea by Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo (privately published by Wendelle C. Stevens, 1982) ; Underwater and Underground Bases by Dr. Richard Sauder (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001); and Invisible Residents: A Disquisition upon Certain Matters Maritime, and the Possibility of Intelligent Life under the Waters of This Earth, by Ivan T. Sanderson, 1970 (The World Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio). Often underwater bases are allegedly located near areas of deep-water basins, such as the Puerto Rico Trench not far from the sanctuary of the Humpback whales in the Caribbean that we visit every year.

Was a civilization of aliens stranded here?
Do they plan to colonize the planet and destroy humans at the end of the day?
Are underwater bases being built by one or more governments, or those with unlimited funds in the private sector, having personal agendas? 擁



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創新:: 蛋-[女UFO]和金字塔-[男]
他們不想讓你知道的事物:不明潛水物體 USO