洩漏的五角大樓視頻 - 美國國防部官員討論消除伊斯蘭宗教透過使用病毒和疫苗來操控DNA
Leaked Pentagon Video – DOD Officials Discuss Eliminating Islam Religion By Using Virus And Vaccine To Manipulate DNA
Posted by Alexander Higgins -
June 13, 2011 at 4:22 am
Translation by Autumnson Blog
DOD Officials Discuss A Nasty Eugenics Plan – Release a Virus And Use The Vaccine For The Virus To Alter The DNA Of Those Vaccinated To Remove The God Gene And Rid Iraq and Afghanistan of The Islam Religion.
美國國防部官員討論一項卑鄙的優生學計劃 - 發放一種病毒及使用治病毒的疫苗去使那些被接種的人改變 DNA,以清除上帝基因和消除伊拉克及阿富汗的伊斯蘭宗教。
Department of Defense officials discuss releasing a flu virus and using the FunVax (Fundamentalists vaccine) to manipulate the “God Gene” in DNA of those inoculated to eliminate religious fundamentalists.