

彗星46P / Wirtanen還有兩週(12月16日)距離才最接近,但已是盈月那般大了

彗星46P / Wirtanen還有兩週(12月16日)距離才最接近,但已是盈月那般大了
Comet 46P/Wirtanen still has a couple of weeks before closest approach (Dec 16th) BUT is already as big as a full Moon

On Dec. 16th, Comet 46P/Wirtanen will approach Earth less than 1.5 million km away–making it one of the 10 closest-approaching comets of the Space Age. It’s a small comet, with a nucleus barely 1 km wide, but such proximity makes even a small things appear large. The comet’s gaseous atmosphere is now as wide as a full Moon. Mike Broussard of Perry, Louisiana, photographed the comet on Dec. 2nd and inserted the Moon for scale:

“The comet still has a couple of weeks before closest approach and it is already as big as a full Moon,” says Broussard, who could see the comet with his naked eye–“just barely using averted vision and only when it was in the darkest section of the sky,” he adds.

Despite its close approach, 46P/Wirtanen will never become a Great Comet like Comet Hayakutake in 1996 or Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997. Wirtanen’s relatively small core of dirty ice cannot produce enough gas and dust to create a really bright, flamboyant tail. The best case scenario is probably a big diffuse cloud of magnitude +3 or +4, barely visible to the unaided eye but an easy target for binoculars and small wide-field telescopes.


