




Those who object to the introduction of #5G networks will soon be accused of conspiracy thinking. It does not address or even look at what 5G actually means. Apparently there is a blind faith that our governments are responsibly dealing with this matter. Whether that trust is justified, is very much the question! To begin with, the Netherlands has the highest standard for electromagnetic radiation (EHS) in Europe. Radiation levels therefore quickly fall within the acceptable standard. This standard is established as follows: A bag of salt water was irradiated for six minutes by a transmitter. Then it was examined how hot the water was and concluded that it was safe. Only the thermal effect of radiation has determined the safety standard, biological effects have not been studied at all. Health risks therefore play no role for our government in determining acceptable radiation levels! Already 3500 people in the Netherlands know that their health problems are caused by EHS, but many people with health problems do not know this. Doctors are often not aware of the radiation caused by radiation and therefore do not recognize it as such. Animals, plants and trees, in particular bees, chestnuts, elms and tomatoes, also suffer from EHS. And then it is not even 5G, but the current 4G networks!

A second reason to mistrust  government in this matter is money. The current frequencies have been sold for 9 billion euros and a lot of profit and wage tax is levied annually by the telecom providers, who earn a lot of money. It is therefore very ordinary just a revenue model!

In research into the effects of 5G on animals, these health complaints were found: pain sensation and blisters in irradiated skin, reddening of the skin, corneal damage of the eye, damage to the membrane of leukocytes (leaking white blood cells), influencing nerve-muscle functions, disruption control overheated sweat glands, cell proliferation by DNA (cancer formation!), activation of stress proteins in cell damage, disruption of protein-receptor binding, bacterial resistance to antibiotics and changes in the DNA. That is not nothing! Presently there are tests going on with 5G transmitter masts, including in North Groningen. The animals there are going crazy!

How would we feel without radiation? This can hardly be determined. Even if you switch off your own Wi-Fi, you still suffer from the neighbors' Wi-Fi, a radio mast in the neighborhood, etc. Radiation is everywhere. Little by little, the frequencies are getting more and more increased, our limits are constantly being stretched, with all the health risks that entails. Should we want to?

2019-2020+ Mass Mandatory Unrolling [#5G](https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/5g?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG) Erratic Pulsed Microwave Radiation Everywhere Is A Mass Assault on: Hippocratic Oath, Private Property & Privacy Rights, Oath to the US Constitution, 4th Amendment, Self-Determination Rights! ... and violating 1 of them is already enough to get really upset let alone all 6 combined! ... It is sooooo BLATANT ATTACK on all of us including all biological life like plants, trees, insects (especially bees) ... the list of technocratic-horror seems endless! ... and I did not even mention Government & Corporate (A.I.) Behavior Modification Programs (aka "Mind-control Projects")

Remember – things that the government once tested and considered “safe” include such toxic horrors as thalilomide, amalgam fillings, smoking, asbestos, lead paint, fluoride, vaccines, and Agent Orange. Can we really trust these so-called government ‘health’ agencies?

Consider this: The $25 million dollar study was the Rammazini Study. The Rammazini Study is the one referred to in the ACS March 2018 press release announcing the link between cell phone radiation and gliomas (brain) and schwanoma (heart) cancerous tumors. But the NTP study is actually more significant because it was performed over a longer period of time. This is criminal, all out murder of unsuspecting citizens who believe they live in a free country whose leadership will protect their health & safety. National Toxicology Program has concluded that wireless radiation causes cancer. Natural health advocates say that 70 percent of non-industry studies assess wireless radiation as harmful; with industry studies, the effects are reversed – with only 32 percent showing that wireless radiation is harmful. But, either way, the dangers are clear and being ignored by our government due to corporate interests.

