


Did the Rothschild's Buy the Mormon Church?

My Dad with one of the wealthiest men, Swiss Billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri is the name of a Rothschild convert to the LDS Faith who paid off the Lien (Chase Manhattan Bank/David Rockefeller - Deseret Ranch purchase/debt in Florida) on Temple Square back in 1967 ...(Steve Davis)

Startling new claims are coming out about the Rothschild relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. According to one Steve Davis, whose father was the highest ranking Mason in Utah, and an employee of the Rothschilds, the Church was suckered into buying $500 million dollars of worthless "swamp land" by two of its Counselors in the early 1960s. Davis claims that the Church lien that resulted gave the Rockefeller family control over all Church assets, including Temple Square through Chase Manhattan Bank.
令人吃驚的新宣稱正在流傳,有關羅富齊關係與耶穌基督後期聖徒教會。據一位史蒂夫戴維斯,他的父親是猶他州排名最高的共濟會員及一位羅富齊家族員工,教會在60年代初被它的兩位顧問吸引,去用5億美元購買無價值的“沼澤地” 。戴維斯宣稱,教會的留置權導致洛克菲勒家族通過大通曼哈頓銀行,控制所有的教會資產,包括聖殿廣場。

Apparently, Swiss Billionaire Robert Vincent de Oliverri, the second richest Rothschild in the world at the time, joined the LDS faith after two missionaries knocked on his door. The Illuminati will often join Churches and other organizations to move them into their globalist agenda. In what appears to be a "hand-off" from the Rockefellers to the Rothschilds, Oliverri flew into Salt Lake City and wrote a $500 million dollar check to pay off the Rockefeller lien.

The above photo purports to show Steve Davis's father, Clyde Davis, picking up Oliverri at the Salt Lake Airport. According to Steve, Clyde was placed in charge of acquiring major contributions for the LDS Church.

The implications of all this are staggering and could answer the questions of how Illuminati Globalists, like Joseph Cannon, Chris Cannon, Mitt Romney, Orrin Hatch, Harry Reid, the Marriotts, and a slew of others have risen to prominence within the Mormon Church.

We will explore this connection in greater detail in future articles.





摩門教“先知”被判終身監禁 坐擁"性奴"70余人
