


Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

Topic started on 13-12-2010 @ 05:38 AM by Alethea

Why does this seem to be the mission and focus of the Mormon religion to collect information on genealogies? What is it's purpose to hold these records? Does the Mormon database have more information on your family history than you yourself have?
They’ve got a vault carved into the solid granite of a mountain 20 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, Utah, where they store information about the births, marriages and deaths of over 2 billion people, the largest single database on the details of the human race in the world. Buried 600 feet into the mountain, protected by two nine-ton and one 14-ton doors built to withstand a nuclear blast, the Granite Mountain Vault isn’t going anywhere soon. Five billion documents are stored on 1 ½ million rolls of microfilm and 1 ½ million microfiche. Twenty-five thousand volunteers are currently working to scan and index all of these documents as well as put them on the Internet so that one day soon you can access all of this data while sitting in your kitchen in your slippers with a notebook computer on your lap.
他們已在猶他州鹽湖城東南20英里的山中的堅實花崗岩雕有一個地窖,在那裡他們存儲超過 20億人有關出生、婚姻和死亡的資料,在世界人類的詳細資料的最大單一數據庫。深埋入山中600英尺,由兩座重九噸和一座重14噸的門保護,建造來承受核爆炸,花崗岩山地庫很快不用去任何地方了。五十億份文件被存儲在150萬卷的縮微膠卷和150萬塊縮微平片,兩萬五千位志願者目前正在掃描和索引所有這些文件,以及把它們放在互聯網上,因此在不久將來的一天,您可以進入所有這些數據,當穿著你的拖鞋坐在你的廚房而在在您的膝上有一部筆記本電腦。

Why all the secrecy? Why would these vaults containing such information be locked away with such excessive security? Why would these records need to be buried 600 feet into a granite mountain with a 14 ton door? By comparison, the door of the Ft. Knox bullion depository is 22 tons. What is the real mission of this organization that disguises itself as a religion?
Ancestry.com, a subscription-based service started by members of the LDS church, has 900,000 subscribers, and is growing. Ancestry put millions of documents online, including five billion names. They have census records for all of the US from the past 200 years, birth, marriage and death records, and more. In May of 2007, they dumped the military records of all of the soldiers who fought in all of the US wars, 90 million of them, online.

How did this organization come to have unrestricted access to all of the census records? Who is really in charge of the census? What happened to confidentiality? Strange, too, how the recent census does not ask for your name and yet all the previous census records put together the names with the data.

I also came across an interesting comment in another document which states that one day a little known, obscure doctrine will be uncovered from the archives of the Mormon church in Salt Lake City which will reveal information regarding our previous lives in the First Estate.

Well, folks, I have nothing but questions. Maybe some of you have answers or speculations on what this all means.




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