


UFO Fires Laser at Village in India

Reports Suggest a UFO Fired Shots at a Village in Central India
The Portland Journal, Yahoo!
Contributor Network
Dec 22, 2010

Reports coming out from India suggest that there has been some kind of laser weapon has been used, and has caused some level of damage in a small village of Central India.
It is not known what caused the laser blast, but it has been described as being an intense burst or bursts of light.
There are also reports suggesting that the Indian Government may have had some kind of contact with Extraterrestrials, or an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).
Witnesses have stated that there had been a series of blue lights and a massive blue structure or UFO in the sky, which circled the village of Sanalakedha on the 14th of December 2010.
The village of Sanalakedha is in the central state of Madhya Pradesh in India and is within the Namada valley. It is alledged that the UFO or UFO's began to fire a 'laser type weapon' or a 'beam of light', and scared local residents.

It is not known if there has been any major damage within the village or the surrounding valley, and no deaths have yet been reported. The only damage said to have occurred was to the rooftop of a small building that had apparently caught fire due to the laser beam.

Police had apparently called out to the scene of one event in Sanalakedha, one local elder stating that the police actually fire shots at the object in the sky, which was immediately before the alledged UFO intervention with lasers.

There has been no official word from the Indian Government or police forces in the central regions of India to confirm the reports.

This recent UFO event in Madhya Pradesh also coincides with a story that came out from the very same region in 2009 in which a large blue object had been seen in the sky. That day it was reported by the Indian Government and in the Hindustan Times that a UFO had damaged crops.

A photograph has also emerged that one witness took in the Namanda Valley on 16th of December 2010, just two days after the recent event.

Sources from within the village of Sanalakedha say that there is the possibility of there being a secret military base or experimental facility nearby in fenced off areas.

Even though the Indian Government has not yet confirmed the reports, witnesses say that there have been 24 hour patrols by local law enforcement officials and police within and around the village.
