The US Is Adopting Codex Alimentarius
From Patrick Jordan
Hello Everybody,
Here is another thing that Dr. Carley sent to me and I am passing along. This seems like the Other Shoe that dropped during the Oil Spill.
Here is the Executive Order #13544
I am saddened to say that on June 10th, 2010, Obama signed Executive Order #13544 which mandates that the US is adopting Codex Alimentarius. This legislation, *originating from the United Nations*, in effect, begins a worldwide campaign for massive hunger and starvation. We fought them for 5 years and defeated them in Congress each year. We also assisted Canada over those years and were successful in defeating C.A. in Canada too. As of today, I do not know what has happened in Canada regarding this dire situation.
我很悲哀地說,在 2010年6月10日,奧巴馬簽署了行政命令#13544,那指令美國採用食品法典。這項*源自聯合國 *的立法,實際上,開始了一場世界性大規模的飢餓。我們與他們 前鬥已5年,和每年在國會打敗他們。在這些年我們亦幫助加拿大,亦成功地在加拿大戰勝食品法典。截至今天,就著這一嚴重局面,我不知道加拿大發生了什麼事。
Now, with a stroke of a pen, and quietly behind the scenes when everyone was focused on the Gulf Oil Spill, he effectively launched Codex Alimentarius in the US, which is intended to bring ALL vitamin and mineral supplements and natural health remedies and technologies to an end. The CDC and the HHS *can now make illegal*, all alternative health remedies and technologies. This bill renders all alternative health remedies "unscientific" and not provable by the FDA. This legislation is a huge step in population control, giving the pharmaceuticals full control over the health of all individuals, which is what the global socialists have wanted for years.
Look up the Executive Order and read it for yourself. But use startpage.com and not Google. Google keeps records of your inquiries and sends all your inquiries to the NSA. Startpage.com does not.
Codex Alimentarius- Global Population Control
食品法典委員會 - 全球人口控制西元2010年04月27日
Dr. Rima Reports CCFL Day 1
日瑪博士報告:食品法典委員會食物標籤 1西元2010年05月04日
Dr. Rima Reports: Codex Committee on Food Labeling 2
日瑪博士報告:食品法典委員會食物標籤 2
Codex Alimentarius Commission Meeting 2010 - Part 1
食品法典委員會會議 2010年 - 第1部分
Dr. Rima Reports: Codex Day 1 Part 2 July 5, 2010
日瑪博士報告:食品法典 2010年7月5日第1天第2部分
Dr. Rima Reports: Codex Day 1 Part 3 July 5, 2010
日瑪博士報告:食品法典 2010年7月5日第1天第3部分
Dr. Rima Reports from Codex July 6, 2010
Dan Burisch - Codex Alimentarius
Dan Burisch - 食品法典委員會西元2010年08月04日
Codex Alimentarius is negatively oriented Freemason / Illuminati factions way of depopulation the world.. This Codex came true worldwide in 1.1.2010. Be open minded and look at these materials to gain more wisdom and knowledge.
食品法典委員會是負面地導向 共濟會/光明會派系方式減少世界人口..此法典在2010年1月1日在世界各地成真。要開放態度和看看這些材料,以獲得更多的智慧和知識。
The Simpsons Code
The Codex Alimentarius
Dr. Rima Laibow (自然解決基金)演說,有關Alimentrius 法例部份:
Codex Alimentarius 的主要七点
Codex Alimentarius已經開始 照足計劃
美國S510法案在草中發出嘶嘶聲: 禁止私人種植食物
喬治亞州男人為種蔬菜被罰 5000美元