


2011 Arizona Vigilant Guardian Set To Simulate Massive Flooding And Nuclear Bomb In Phoenix
The Intel Hub
November 2, 2011
Translation by Autumnson Blog

The nuclear portion of the 2011 Arizona Vigilant Guardian drill is set to start tomorrow and will simulate a detonation of an improvised nuclear device(IND) in Phoenix, Arizona.
The drill will be the largest ever to take place in Arizona history and comes just days before the passing of the asteroid known as YU55, the FEMA/FCC takeover drill, and the massive tsunami drill.
這次演習將是發生在亞利桑那州歷史上有史以來最大的,及衹在小行星2005 YU55之經過前幾來到,聯邦緊急措施署/ FCC 接管演習,和該大規模的海嘯演習。
Over 200 agencies are set to be involved including the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, TSA, National Guard, members of the health care community, and local police and first responders for a total of 8,000 people.
超過 200個機構準備參與,包括國土安全部、聯邦緊急事務管理局、技術協議、國民警衛隊、保健社區成員,以及本地警察和第一反應部共8000人。
The drill will simulate a devastating nuclear bomb being detonated in the heart of the capital city of Arizona.
The exercise will consist of two phases—a simulated flood and a simulated Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) detonated in the Phoenix Metro Area. The scenario will test plans for simulated mass evacuation, mass fatality, medical response, receiving, staging and delivery of federal resources, continuity of operation/direction of control of state government and public information.

The consequences of an IND would be extensive. The impact on local, state and tribal governments and critical infrastructure would be considerable. The simulated evacuation of citizens of impacted areas along with medical triage will be a component of the overall response plan.
This massive simulation dovetails in with all the other tests and drills as well as the asteroid known as YU55 which Richard Hoagland has claimed may hit the moon.
這大型模擬相吻合所有其它的測試和演習,以及被稱為2005 YU55的小行星,理查德霍格蘭德聲稱可能會擊中月球。
YU55, an asteroid the size of an aircraft carrier is set to pass startling close to Earth between the 9th and 11th which is right around the exact time that numerous drills are set to commence, including a FEMA/FCC takeover simulation as well as a massive tsunami drill.

Appearing on the Collision Course radio show hosted by Francis Walsh, Richard Hoagland revealed his belief that YU55 will actually either make direct impact with the moon or make a close pass, within a couple hundred miles, of the moon.
He also stated that YU55 is NOT on track to hit the earth.
Stay tuned as The Intel Hub will continue to bring you up to date information leading up to the 9th through the 11th. Unlike others, we refuse to laugh off evidence that clearly points to something possibly happening on these days.


Hoagland大新聞 - 小行星2005-YU55將會在11月9日擊中月球!

演習、演習、及更多的演習在11月9日! - ELE(vin) NIN(e)


